Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Breast Enlargement (Multiple Versions)
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Regarding the breast enlargement program...

Quote:In May of 2011 I wandered into Victoria's Secret store and discovered their secret closet. In that closet VS has implement technology that scans your body (it is the same body scan technology now used daily in airports around the globe) to determine your bra size more accurately, shape and fullness in particular.

After this scan the sales associate provided me with several bra styles best suited for my shape (there are 3 defined breast shapes). Until this point all the bras I have worn since college have been 34B. This test determined that for my shape and fullness, 32C was the most appropriate size. I purchased two 32C size bras after this body scan though I continued to wear the 34B bras in my current wardrobe intending to replace them over time (bras being so expensive!).

Now, the 32C bras are far too small. My cup runneth over, as they say. LOL!!

About two months ago I purchased my first 32D cup bras, which fit well at the time purchased, but once again, my cup runneth over!! So, all in all I am thrilled with the gains. Once I have completed all 6 steps I will head back to Victoria's Secret for another scan and include those results in my final measurement posting.

Tigerlilly said this here.

(Please note that she used Version 4.0; current version is 6.0; and version 7.0 is in the works.)
About the breast Enlargement 4.0 program (which has been upgraded since:

Quote:The images I took of myself and shared with this blog depict the results I obtained using the subliminal created by Shannon. I do not believe that any supplemental or herbal concoction can increase breast size, therefore, I have never used any such product.

Prior to using the breast enhancement subliminal I had great success using other subliminals created by Shannon. As such I felt that investing in the breast enlargement subliminal would be worthwhile adventure. I remain a 32D nearly 6 months after completion of the breast enhancement subliminal. I am most pleased with the results.

Tigerlilly said this here.
In response to a question of how much his girlfriend's breasts had grown from Maximum Breast Enlargement, and from what, and in what amount of time:

Quote:I don't know her cups. Let's be figurative: She started with grapes, now she has tennisballs, after 3 1/2 months.

brad1984mason said this here.
On Breast Enlargement's effects:

Quote:However, my wife doesn't know about the sub, and its working, ninja-style. She must actually want bigger tits - but she doesn't know why they're growing.

brad1984mason said this here.
About the Breast Enlargement subliminal:

Quote:My wife, while still not knowing what is going on (I never told her), is loving her new breasts. She flaunts them around me and shows them off to me. However she is complaining of discomfort from her bra being too small.

Isn't this, like, every man's fantasy and dream? Yet its made possible.

brad1984mason said this here.
Breast Enlargement V6.

Quote:...Size remains the same, but interestingly, the shape has beautified. Hard to put into words but the shape of the breast has expanded around the breasts with contouring, so that if I were to (but hubby wouldn't be that supportive of this idea lol) go out into the world without a bra I'd have no problem with it at all. This is a major mindset shift and results observation of how my breasts have evolved. It's pretty remarkable how this program has worked thus far.

-Mimi said this here
Breast Enlargement Version 6.0.

Quote:Start of phase 1
21" across
10" across individually

Beginning of phase 2
21.5" across
11.5" individually

Start of phase of 3
22.5" across
almost 12" individually

I lost one pound since starting the program..

The 36B bra fits me the same way it did during phase 2. A 34B strapless bra doesn't fit me anymore. A size large sports bra from prana used to be just ok, now it fits me nice and snug. The profile looks beautiful in this bra, almost as if I am wearing a push up bra. There is no push up at all from this bra.

I felt soreness that was mild compared to the soreness I felt during phase 1. I felt soreness on the 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28. I switched from trickling stream to ocean surf on the 27, on that night, I felt soreness all night just like I did when I was on phase 1.

I continue to feel bliss and comfort all the time. These feelings have become normal.

-Infinite said this here
Quote:My wife was frigid - Poetry of the Silent Eros and female orgasm enhancer restored our sex life. I study Chinese because I live in Shanghai - I get through my flashcards 3 times faster if I listen to the subs while I study (even without continuous overnight usage). My wife's chest was flat - she gained about a cup size after 3 months and is still growing, I'm not stopping it till she hits DD.

brad1984mason said this here.