Decided to move onto OF 5.75G after my shorter-but-still-productive second run of MHS 5.75G, so I thought that I'd start an OF journal. One with a long first post.
Before I dig into OF, I'll start with a quick MHS recap: MHS and I mixed well, and, even weeks after stopping MHS, other than my biggest health issue, my body still feels years younger than it'd felt last year. Exercising frequency jumped from 3-4 times/month to 4-5 times/week, but I should specify that my exercise goals had/have been about improved function and chronic pain reduction, not about aesthetics or athletics.
Speaking of exercise, yeah, given that some things take months or years when attempted through traditional means, even with expert help, I didn't expect the MHS goals to be accomplished quickly without physical effort. So, I actively participated, mostly to knock off the low-priority issues quickly and get through to the higher priorities sooner.
Why did I connect MHS with any changes that I'd observed, given that I was making additional effort? Well, first of all, it's effort that I wasn't making until well after I'd started MHS. Second, the biggest difference wasn't so much about making the effort as it was about intuitively knowing what and which effort to make. And, third, almost all of my effort required me to discard years of preconceptions about the what, the why, and the how before said effort could be made. I'd been barking up several wrong trees for years, no matter how otherwise helpful visiting those wrong trees may have been.
In any case, that was MHS, and this is an OF journal, so I should stop digressing and get back to the topic at hand: Overcoming Fear 5.75G.
Why did I choose something new and give MHS a break, if my highest priority with MHS wasn't resolved? Four reasons:
So far, not much to tell. Can't echo most users' initially blissful reactions, but, then, I'm me, not most users. Many of them have been running some version of FRM for over a year, and some had a few extra weeks or months of DRS too. I'd only run FRM in DMSI 3.3.0 and 3.3.1 and had no prior exposure to DRS. Yeah, I'd run E1, E2, and years of DMSI's H&C, but those weren't FRM or DRS.
Do I feel more fearful/fearless than usual? Emotionally, I feel... more stressed and overworked. Not more fearful. Not more fearless. Not more angry. Not more depressed. Definitely feeling emotions, just not anything that others seem to be reporting. I feel busy, not unchanged. Not relaxed. Not tired. Just... busy.
Has the DRS offered any increased protection? Not if I adjust for the unwelcome need for it. Ordinarily, there's no need. With DRS around, there suddenly has been. I could be misreading the circumstances, but I seem to have traded not really needing any shield for carrying a shield with a neon bullseye painted on it. If the shield's as much of a magnet as it is a shield, I'm unlikely to view it as an asset.
What about intense or crazy dreams? Vivid, but otherwise mild. No adrenaline-pumping romps, not that I usually go out of my way for inspiration. Haven't purchased movie tickets in almost a decade, and haven't played a video game in nearly three. Even so, if I start dreaming that I'm Mr. Do!, Pitfall Harry, or Donkey Kong Junior, I'll be sure to make a note of it.
No recent itching, unless I count probable bug bites. If a bump on my skin itches in August, my first guess is mosquitoes, even if I didn't see them doing it.
No sudden headaches, unless I count verifiable atmospheric pressure drops or post-exercise pain.
No excess heat, outside of having no A/C where I've been staying.
The most notable change is that I've been grabbing more opportunities as they appear rather than wasting time anticipating the ones that may not. That's not uncommon for me, but I'm usually not as breezy about it. To put it another way, foresight isn't 20/20; I'm focusing on info that I've got, not info that I don't, and am decreasingly holding myself accountable for info that I never had. I'm not omniscient, and, without sufficient info, outcomes are far less predictable.
"Grabbing opportunities that appear" is also not quite as passive as it might sound, given the ambitious/challenging options that can be chosen from what's available. I'm just spending less time on options that aren't actually available. I still consider options as indirectly available if they'd become available under altered circumstances, but I don't seem to be bothering to do so unless altering those circumstances is also an available option.
And that's about it. Haven't observed much else during OF just yet.
Before I dig into OF, I'll start with a quick MHS recap: MHS and I mixed well, and, even weeks after stopping MHS, other than my biggest health issue, my body still feels years younger than it'd felt last year. Exercising frequency jumped from 3-4 times/month to 4-5 times/week, but I should specify that my exercise goals had/have been about improved function and chronic pain reduction, not about aesthetics or athletics.
Speaking of exercise, yeah, given that some things take months or years when attempted through traditional means, even with expert help, I didn't expect the MHS goals to be accomplished quickly without physical effort. So, I actively participated, mostly to knock off the low-priority issues quickly and get through to the higher priorities sooner.
Why did I connect MHS with any changes that I'd observed, given that I was making additional effort? Well, first of all, it's effort that I wasn't making until well after I'd started MHS. Second, the biggest difference wasn't so much about making the effort as it was about intuitively knowing what and which effort to make. And, third, almost all of my effort required me to discard years of preconceptions about the what, the why, and the how before said effort could be made. I'd been barking up several wrong trees for years, no matter how otherwise helpful visiting those wrong trees may have been.
In any case, that was MHS, and this is an OF journal, so I should stop digressing and get back to the topic at hand: Overcoming Fear 5.75G.
Why did I choose something new and give MHS a break, if my highest priority with MHS wasn't resolved? Four reasons:
- MHS had been my only sub for all of 2020. I'm a patient guy, but, sometimes, it takes more than one tool to complete the job.
- While not necessarily the case, my long-standing health issue could feasibly involve an anxiety-based component or two.
- There could be an irrational excuse for me to have resisted some of the healing that MHS had been encouraging me to achieve, and, IIRC, MHS has no FRM.
- The adjustments made during MHS may take time to prove/disprove themselves, evolve, and grow. Listening may have stopped, but correcting lifelong mistakes hasn't. And those corrections could take time to demonstrate their full benefit.
So far, not much to tell. Can't echo most users' initially blissful reactions, but, then, I'm me, not most users. Many of them have been running some version of FRM for over a year, and some had a few extra weeks or months of DRS too. I'd only run FRM in DMSI 3.3.0 and 3.3.1 and had no prior exposure to DRS. Yeah, I'd run E1, E2, and years of DMSI's H&C, but those weren't FRM or DRS.
Do I feel more fearful/fearless than usual? Emotionally, I feel... more stressed and overworked. Not more fearful. Not more fearless. Not more angry. Not more depressed. Definitely feeling emotions, just not anything that others seem to be reporting. I feel busy, not unchanged. Not relaxed. Not tired. Just... busy.
Has the DRS offered any increased protection? Not if I adjust for the unwelcome need for it. Ordinarily, there's no need. With DRS around, there suddenly has been. I could be misreading the circumstances, but I seem to have traded not really needing any shield for carrying a shield with a neon bullseye painted on it. If the shield's as much of a magnet as it is a shield, I'm unlikely to view it as an asset.
What about intense or crazy dreams? Vivid, but otherwise mild. No adrenaline-pumping romps, not that I usually go out of my way for inspiration. Haven't purchased movie tickets in almost a decade, and haven't played a video game in nearly three. Even so, if I start dreaming that I'm Mr. Do!, Pitfall Harry, or Donkey Kong Junior, I'll be sure to make a note of it.

No recent itching, unless I count probable bug bites. If a bump on my skin itches in August, my first guess is mosquitoes, even if I didn't see them doing it.
No sudden headaches, unless I count verifiable atmospheric pressure drops or post-exercise pain.
No excess heat, outside of having no A/C where I've been staying.
The most notable change is that I've been grabbing more opportunities as they appear rather than wasting time anticipating the ones that may not. That's not uncommon for me, but I'm usually not as breezy about it. To put it another way, foresight isn't 20/20; I'm focusing on info that I've got, not info that I don't, and am decreasingly holding myself accountable for info that I never had. I'm not omniscient, and, without sufficient info, outcomes are far less predictable.
"Grabbing opportunities that appear" is also not quite as passive as it might sound, given the ambitious/challenging options that can be chosen from what's available. I'm just spending less time on options that aren't actually available. I still consider options as indirectly available if they'd become available under altered circumstances, but I don't seem to be bothering to do so unless altering those circumstances is also an available option.
And that's about it. Haven't observed much else during OF just yet.