Hi everyone, I posted a journal maybe a year or two ago when I first started my adventures with shannon's subliminals. I bought my first one which was AM2011 and was ready for an investment to change my life. The initial effects were very subtle. Afterwards, some months later I started SM2011, and did 40 days per stage. The program was also a very subtle change in me and I didn't have a girl approach or seduce me until stage 6.
That one day, a very attractive woman came into my life. That was 4 months ago. She had a boyfriend. I don't touch that shit. We still exchange numbers. 2 months later she calls me and wants to hang out. At this point, she's trying to seduce me but I hold out on sex for a while because I decide when we have sex, that's just how it is. We talked about this and I was like, right you did the seducing but I chose when we have sex. She said yup.
Anyway, I finished stage 6 while we were "together" (we are not in any relationship, we're just FWB). I take a month off of subs and recently I purchased AM5.0 and also SM2.0 (may as well have bought it since the two programs work so well together). But while I'm hanging out with my lady friend, she keeps pointing out to me that I'm a flirt or a player. We went on an outdoor adventure with some random people. A mother and her two sons. Our crew guide was a girl in her 20s. She had an airy thing to her which I found mildly attractive but not up to my standards. Throughout the whole time my friend says I am a "raging flirt" (her words literally). I even have other guys jealous of me according to her, and I'm just there completely oblivious. Shannon what have you done to me?!!!
Now that was actually yesterday, and that was on day 2 of AM5.0. Is AM5.0 making me a better flirt or is it just SM1.0 kicking into full gear? Who knows, but today during work, a girl I have been flirting with bit me today! I gave her a look that said no but in a playful way, one that you would give a child when you say "no smiling allowed!" (they always smile because that idea sounds preposterous). She pulled me aside maybe 5 minutes later and apologized and said it was impulsive behavior and asked if I would forgive her. Fun stuff really
I have no intent of hooking up with my coworker but it certainly is fun to see these things happening to me.
I think that's enough for now. I'll be keeping a journal in paper and reviewing it to post for you guys the fun* stuff every so often. Any interesting effects of the subs I will post as well.
That one day, a very attractive woman came into my life. That was 4 months ago. She had a boyfriend. I don't touch that shit. We still exchange numbers. 2 months later she calls me and wants to hang out. At this point, she's trying to seduce me but I hold out on sex for a while because I decide when we have sex, that's just how it is. We talked about this and I was like, right you did the seducing but I chose when we have sex. She said yup.
Anyway, I finished stage 6 while we were "together" (we are not in any relationship, we're just FWB). I take a month off of subs and recently I purchased AM5.0 and also SM2.0 (may as well have bought it since the two programs work so well together). But while I'm hanging out with my lady friend, she keeps pointing out to me that I'm a flirt or a player. We went on an outdoor adventure with some random people. A mother and her two sons. Our crew guide was a girl in her 20s. She had an airy thing to her which I found mildly attractive but not up to my standards. Throughout the whole time my friend says I am a "raging flirt" (her words literally). I even have other guys jealous of me according to her, and I'm just there completely oblivious. Shannon what have you done to me?!!!
Now that was actually yesterday, and that was on day 2 of AM5.0. Is AM5.0 making me a better flirt or is it just SM1.0 kicking into full gear? Who knows, but today during work, a girl I have been flirting with bit me today! I gave her a look that said no but in a playful way, one that you would give a child when you say "no smiling allowed!" (they always smile because that idea sounds preposterous). She pulled me aside maybe 5 minutes later and apologized and said it was impulsive behavior and asked if I would forgive her. Fun stuff really

I think that's enough for now. I'll be keeping a journal in paper and reviewing it to post for you guys the fun* stuff every so often. Any interesting effects of the subs I will post as well.