(08-07-2018, 11:59 AM)CatMan Wrote: LMAO...apparently I'm a psychic. I predicted this, lol.
(08-06-2018, 07:01 PM)CatMan Wrote:(08-06-2018, 04:53 PM)Shannon Wrote:(08-06-2018, 04:00 PM)lano1106 Wrote: ...
Answering this in my journal discussion thread, where you should have asked it.
(08-06-2018, 04:58 PM)Zane Wrote: For a moment I thought this was discussion thread
Reminds me of my old journal, where there were massive derails often. Sometimes like 3-4 completely separate and unrelated in any way, conversations (read: arguments, lol...) going on in it. Lol!!
People coming in and saying stuff like "man, CatMan has posted like 3 times, and we're already on the 4th damn page, LMAO!!!"
I'm glad my posts can sometimes garner discussions and insight etc. helps advance the programs in the end. All good things.
I mean it's better than me posting huge novels about stuff in my mind, and people being like:
(08-07-2018, 08:51 AM)mat422 Wrote: RIP Catman's journal. I think we can all agree our perspectives and beliefs surrounding this stuff are all different. But the main goal is forward progress, so for now I don't think we're getting anywhere except voicing our opinions and cluttering up Catman's space.
(08-07-2018, 08:53 AM)Zane Wrote: Guys? I think we lost Catman
Hilarious! Great posts by all of you though, I can see the logic in each, both perspectives. In fact, I thought originally, as I have always thought, that my perception of DMSI's goal working on girls I know around me as often being very far fetched and hard to get behind. Of course, I've still dutifully used the program, but needed some pretty clear proof in reality it worked with these girls to actually be a real believer in it. Like Plouf said, and as I did earlier about it being "from one extreme to the other", and fear may be the thing there holding things back, although in that instance I'm not sure how. Just seems to be an issue of perception, me believing the world is round because to me it always has been, then somebody telling me it's flat, and me asking for proof before believing in it. Girls I like just still seem beyond my reach now, the idea of them becoming sexually attracted to me and pursuing me for sex has sounded, and still I admit, sound late night infomercialy, lol. We'll see if it can turn girls around that I know I failed to attract before, ones where I KNOW it'd be a legit 180 and proof of the program's success. We'll see. But just for the record, I've often had trouble getting behind the concept of the program because the girls I really am attracted to around me, I just often find it very hard to believe they could find me sexually attractive and I'D be the one chased by THEM. Thinking about that being reality, it's hard to truly get immersed in as it feels like a dream or teasing myself type of deal. Seems to be too much of a stretch to really get behind now because there's very little overlap in precedent and reality. Can't compute that yet, I'd need hard proof in reality it seems, to really be a believer in the program. That's all I've meant. Until then, I'll report, and continue using whatever version is available, and we'll see I guess.
Thank you all for the time and posts.
And Zane, I'm working on a couple books, and some cool stuff on Audible, if people are down.
Are you sure it's not more like you still believe the world is flat, and you've been told it's round, but because you haven't walked around the earth yourself, you won't believe it's round until you do?