02-08-2022, 06:34 PM
(02-08-2022, 06:21 PM)User_000 Wrote: Whether it was caused by fear or some illness my hearing have improved, tracks that I will normally listen with certain volume now require less, for example going from 50% to 45%, also I can hear subtle noises better, and most important, my tinnitus on the left ear has almost faded completely, the right one still come out at night but is more quiet even on the noisy days (when tinnitus gets louder), also looks like fear can no longer trick me into thinking my hearing is getting worse, I noticed it tried to reduce my hearing as before with OF but the most it could do was making me feel worried while the hearing was unchanged.
That being said my body feels tired more frequently, I almost forgot to mention my dizzyness is finally gone, it's like those horrible symptoms from OF were just a dream.
I also suffer with tinnitus and I found it extremely odd that out of all the subliminals it was OF V1 that produced the greatest effect. I remember that before OF V1 had come out my tinnitus was really bad in my right ear. Supplements and MHS had made it somewhat manageable until I finally said f*ck it and used OF. Within about a week of using OF it gradually reduced to negligible levels and after a month or so was gone. Wild stuff. Developing tinnitus had become a fear of mine since another user on here mentioned it however it also (IMO) became a source of sabotage in which my body would mysteriously develop it whenever I a) wanted to run DMSI or any subliminal focused around getting women b) MLS.
Either way, I'm glad to see you getting benefits my friend! I can't wait to hear more! Cheers to good hearing!