05-21-2022, 07:05 AM
K-Train's the name, detailed journals is my game. Current plan is to run HOWL (Hormone Optimizer for Weight Loss) for at least 2 months. Goal is getting back down to approximately 185 lbs which is the weight I was at before I started my doctoral degree and got FAT. My stats: 5 ft 7, approx 215 lbs. This coming Monday will mark 3 weeks on HOWL. No BS, let's get it going.
Table of Contents
1. Initial Impressions of 5.9G
2. Habit Changes
3. Physical Effects
4. HOWL effects on Mood
5. Conclusion
Initial Impressions of 5.9G
5.9G is extremely smooth. Older generations tend to have a bit of a "breaking in" period where you have to get adjusted to the effects and in some cases you might get a "surge" of effects that hint at what the program is capable of doing without resistance. The problem is that often times those effect go away once your subconscious sees progress (if you resist of course). Not with HOWL. Literally just press play and go on about your day. I will say that if I listen to HOWL for an extra few hours over I get hit with a bucket of fatigue later on in the day.
Habit Changes
I'd say within the first few days of exposure my appetite took a dive. One of the biggest reasons for my weight gain is that my appetite became insatiable at times. If my GF cooked I would often need multiple servings and even if I did eat only one serving I would quickly be rummaging through the kitchen for more food. When I began HOWL I started getting full much sooner and would find that I could go longer periods of time with minimal food necessary. In addition, I started sneaking in some exercises at the gym connected to the clinic I go to. Small changes, but beneficial.
Here's a great example of HOWL's habit changing effect: last night I went into the refrigerator wanting something sweet. I had two choices: a Reese's peanut butter cup or a low-fat dark chocolate infused with plant sterols boasting only .8G of sugar and a fraction of the calories of that Reese's. Normally I would have reach for the Reese's cup but instead I said "nah, gimme that healthy stuff" and went for the healthier option. Added bonus: I felt completely satisfied after eating the low-calorie chocolate and didn't eat anything else for the rest of the night. BOO-YAH!
Physical Changes
To adequately describe the physical changes allow me to lay down a foundation. I have two pair of scrubs that I wear, a large (top and bottom) and an XL (top and bottom) This past week I put my scrubs on (my XL pair) and noticed that they were now looser. This is in contrast to last month where they fit more snug on my body (a horrible reminder of the weight I had gained during my degree program). Overall, I do definitely see some weight loss changes.
Energy wise I definitely have more energy than before and I believe this is a side-effect of the much deeper sleep I've been achieving as well. Most days (today especially) I leap out of bed ready to take on the world and kick @ss. Still noticing some joint pain but I'm able to power through it a bit better. Also, libido last week was WAAAY UP. My GF and I are currently in separate cities due to our internships and there's definitely been days where I had to whack the weasel to shave off the excess energy. What's interesting is that normally after doing that I'd be a bit lethargic but even afterward I'm clear headed and don't have mental fatigue.
HOWL Effects on Mood
No question, this is where HOWL shines the most. To put it blunt: I'm f*cking happy. A LOT. In the past 2 months I honestly felt kinda beta due to all the stress I had. Looking back I was a bit of a pessimistic son of a b*tch. These last few weeks on HOWL made me realize that my testosterone levels most likely plummeted due to all the stress over exams, the overeating, not exercising, etc. Now I feel f*cking GOOD. My response to stress has improved as well. For example, last night my mom called snapping on me because I didn't answer her last two phone calls. For the record, I was doing a video shoot with a coworker and so I had my phone on silent. Rather than snap on her I calmly told her the situation. She was still in mini-freakout mode but rather than get amped I calmly asked her if there was anything I could do to help. She declined and I went on about my day with zero-f*cks. When we talked later she was much more calm and chipper.
So in summary I feel confident, I feel like I can kick @ss, and I'm losing weight. I intended to weigh myself today but my scale is broken. Either way I ain't stressing over it. Good job Shannon. Now I hate to be greedy BUUUUUUUT is there a possibility of a Hormone Optimizer for Muscle Gain (HOMG)? Ya know, so that after I lose this weight I can gain muscle and live out my dream as an exotic dancer in Miami???? J/k. Sort of.
Table of Contents
1. Initial Impressions of 5.9G
2. Habit Changes
3. Physical Effects
4. HOWL effects on Mood
5. Conclusion
Initial Impressions of 5.9G
5.9G is extremely smooth. Older generations tend to have a bit of a "breaking in" period where you have to get adjusted to the effects and in some cases you might get a "surge" of effects that hint at what the program is capable of doing without resistance. The problem is that often times those effect go away once your subconscious sees progress (if you resist of course). Not with HOWL. Literally just press play and go on about your day. I will say that if I listen to HOWL for an extra few hours over I get hit with a bucket of fatigue later on in the day.
Habit Changes
I'd say within the first few days of exposure my appetite took a dive. One of the biggest reasons for my weight gain is that my appetite became insatiable at times. If my GF cooked I would often need multiple servings and even if I did eat only one serving I would quickly be rummaging through the kitchen for more food. When I began HOWL I started getting full much sooner and would find that I could go longer periods of time with minimal food necessary. In addition, I started sneaking in some exercises at the gym connected to the clinic I go to. Small changes, but beneficial.
Here's a great example of HOWL's habit changing effect: last night I went into the refrigerator wanting something sweet. I had two choices: a Reese's peanut butter cup or a low-fat dark chocolate infused with plant sterols boasting only .8G of sugar and a fraction of the calories of that Reese's. Normally I would have reach for the Reese's cup but instead I said "nah, gimme that healthy stuff" and went for the healthier option. Added bonus: I felt completely satisfied after eating the low-calorie chocolate and didn't eat anything else for the rest of the night. BOO-YAH!
Physical Changes
To adequately describe the physical changes allow me to lay down a foundation. I have two pair of scrubs that I wear, a large (top and bottom) and an XL (top and bottom) This past week I put my scrubs on (my XL pair) and noticed that they were now looser. This is in contrast to last month where they fit more snug on my body (a horrible reminder of the weight I had gained during my degree program). Overall, I do definitely see some weight loss changes.
Energy wise I definitely have more energy than before and I believe this is a side-effect of the much deeper sleep I've been achieving as well. Most days (today especially) I leap out of bed ready to take on the world and kick @ss. Still noticing some joint pain but I'm able to power through it a bit better. Also, libido last week was WAAAY UP. My GF and I are currently in separate cities due to our internships and there's definitely been days where I had to whack the weasel to shave off the excess energy. What's interesting is that normally after doing that I'd be a bit lethargic but even afterward I'm clear headed and don't have mental fatigue.
HOWL Effects on Mood
No question, this is where HOWL shines the most. To put it blunt: I'm f*cking happy. A LOT. In the past 2 months I honestly felt kinda beta due to all the stress I had. Looking back I was a bit of a pessimistic son of a b*tch. These last few weeks on HOWL made me realize that my testosterone levels most likely plummeted due to all the stress over exams, the overeating, not exercising, etc. Now I feel f*cking GOOD. My response to stress has improved as well. For example, last night my mom called snapping on me because I didn't answer her last two phone calls. For the record, I was doing a video shoot with a coworker and so I had my phone on silent. Rather than snap on her I calmly told her the situation. She was still in mini-freakout mode but rather than get amped I calmly asked her if there was anything I could do to help. She declined and I went on about my day with zero-f*cks. When we talked later she was much more calm and chipper.
So in summary I feel confident, I feel like I can kick @ss, and I'm losing weight. I intended to weigh myself today but my scale is broken. Either way I ain't stressing over it. Good job Shannon. Now I hate to be greedy BUUUUUUUT is there a possibility of a Hormone Optimizer for Muscle Gain (HOMG)? Ya know, so that after I lose this weight I can gain muscle and live out my dream as an exotic dancer in Miami???? J/k. Sort of.