09-07-2015, 11:53 AM
Ahhhhh interesting, thanks Alpha360.
Subliminal Talk
by Indigo Mind Labs
09-07-2015, 11:53 AM
Ahhhhh interesting, thanks Alpha360.
09-08-2015, 03:54 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-08-2015, 04:30 AM by JackOfHearts.)
Another example here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIHrkqBF...iK&index=2 This girl is moon Pisces if she is born before 5am and Aries after 5am. I would bet she is Pisces and not Aries. Pisces is an emotional sensitive sign , Aries is the fighter who want to be first. Angelina Jolie has her moon in Aries, Michael Jackson has his moon in Pisces. It's not always that easy though and I could be wrong, but I think I'm right on that one. Another thing: She has her Saturn in Taurus and according to the course I followed she has this emotional complex: Lack of personal security or self-worth. Inability to recognize one’s inherent value with associated feelings of guilt for what one receives. I know a girl who has the same Saturn placement and curiously she exhibit the same behavior sometimes. If you are good at reading people emotion you can see it on her face, her lips precisely, you can see it in her eyes too when she look at the camera. She make some kind of twitch with her lips when she sing about love. You can feel that she has this emotional complex. She is also Sun Scorpio, another sign deeply related to emotional security. Her rahu is in Cancer, yet again another sign that she is dealing with her emotion.
10-02-2015, 03:24 AM
Enoch :
Sun in Libra, When the sun is in Libra he is at it weakest, it is debilitated. Which should be translated as a lack of confidence. Inability to find his path easily, to know who he is. They there is also a conjunction with Ketu which will aggravate that case. Ketu on the Sun will hide the Sun ability to shine, to do his work as an authority figure which results as a lack of self confidence. Computer generated: “When the Sun is debilitated the many changing and unsteady things in life having a correlative effect on the native resulting in the native themselves lacking steadfastness in will and activities. Self-assurance is lost, and the native easily succumbs to desires and social trends instead of focusing on his inspirations. That which the debilitated Sun influences in the horoscope is disrupted due to the native's lack of consistency, steadfastness and inspiration. If the debilitated Sun has its debilitation cancelled, the native develops a strong sense of self that includes an awareness of the unity underlying all life and the balance inherent in all activity. The fiery nature of the Sun, however, will not be expressed.” Also the Sun is the Ascendant lord as you are Leo Ascendant. Due to the Sun being very weak you may have a weak health/body. Mars Ketu conjunction very strong, this will certainly be the most obvious behavior that your peers will notice: The influence of Ketu on Mars creates a nativity that in recent past lives has established a security foundation based upon one's strength and will. In this life the native generally has some insecurity and doubts revolving around the use of their will and this causes their will to become humbled. They are generally inclined towards peace, but they may actually have violent thoughts, which may even surprise themselves. There is generally some inability to harness their will according to their demand and this may cause great frustrations and explosions in temper. Often, there will be thoughts of great adventure and heroism, when it comes down to the real thing, however, the native either withdraws, with doubt, from the challenge, or experiences some lack of fulfillment even if becoming the victor in the challenge. Mars and Ketu are both violent planets that tend to break and injure things; therefore the areas of life that are under the influence of both Ketu and Mars tend to suffer some injury or damage. This completes the karmas of breaking, fighting, etc. from the past lives. Moon gemini: http://www.astrolada.com/gemini Venus in Libra: http://www.astrolada.com/venus-in-libra-love-style Mars is Combust with the Sun: When Mars is combust the self is over identified with the function of strength, will and power. The native feels that they must be the strongest, most powerful, or right in order to feel secure. This generally creates a need to prove that they are strong and powerful. Their over identification with and attachment to power and their need to validate themselves through the use of it generally causes a lot of power struggles with others. With those that are more powerful than them or when confronted by a great obstacle they generally lack courage. Combust Mars is angry due to being frustrated in making happen what they think should be. Mercury Scorpio: http://www.astrolada.com/mercury-in-scorpio Saturn in the 5th house, and in Sign Sagitarius: Superficial problem related to Saturn in the 5th house, this problem is supposed to be superficial but due to your Sun problem it will be more apparent as it is the same problem. And this placement is also appearing twice in 2 other chart so it will actually be the most obvious complex you have: Attitude/Complex: Lack of self-esteem. Compensation: Arrogant display, demands respect and full of self-importance. Breakdown: Hatred, inability to feel love, possibly resulting in isolation. Usually we switch behavior depending on how well we are able to cope with our problem but the root problem stay the same, on some individual the complex is less apparent depending on how mature the individual is. The more immature the individual is the more likely he is at the breakdown stage. Also when he is on Saturn period he will certainly be at the breakdown stage. Problem related to Saturn in Sagittarius: Attitude/Complex: Experiences lack of purpose or meaning in life. Compensation: Over enthusiastic or fanatical in that which they believe will give meaning to life due to the belief that they have found what grand thing they are meant to do. Sagittarius Breakdown: Gives up on planning, making decisions, or on living life, and instead dwells on the past, which was better, happier, etc Rahu in the 9th house, same problem as Sagittarius, see above. Rahu in Aries: Attitude/Complex: Personally insecure in activities and success. Compensation: Overly dutiful, desire to prove one’s capacity for success and activities. Aries Breakdown: Becomes critical and intolerant. The native does not feel better about himself and this gets projected onto others. Criticizing others is an unconscious attempt to make oneself better. The problem with Rahu will be less obvious than the problem with Saturn and we have to treat the Saturn problem before the problem related to Rahu. So with the Bach remedies I will recommend the following; -First Star of Bethlehem, Everyone need to use that one at least once. -Larch, for your Sun, the most obvious remedy you need for low self-esteem. - Impatience for your Mars problem- Urgency, impatient and irritable. Then this will be the harder remedy to choose, it will be based on how you feel as I won't be able to choose between the 3 available choice. It will depend if you are on the Attitude/complex Stage, the Compensation or the breakdown. If you are on the breakdown you have to treat that problem first. Then the compensation will start to appear, when you have treated the compensation the attitude/root problem will appear. On some individual the remedy for the breakdown will be enough to treat everything (mature individual) For your 5th house/Leo problem: -First stage, attitude complex: Century : Lack of demarcation, weak willed, exploited -Second stage compensation: Vine : Dominating, inflexible, arrogant, tyrannical. -Last stage/ breakdown: Holly : Hatred, envy, blames others, inability to feel love. For your Sagittarius it's the same process, if you want to go further I will strongly recommend that you read the Bach Flower pdf that I linked previously. For Sagittarius, the flowers are: Wild Oat, Vervein, Honeysuckle. Read at least the last page, it display the different remedies for each Sign. Here the birthchart: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Cla4O...4wRXM/view
10-02-2015, 04:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-02-2015, 07:37 AM by JackOfHearts.)
Sun is in leo and well placed on the 10th house when the sun is at it's highest in the sky. At least if you are born before 4:20pm. Otherwise it will still be strong but less. Sun in leo has all the good quality that a man should have to be healthy, this is what the AM sub aim at. So if you know what the AM sub seek to accomplish you know how a good sun behave. http://www.astrolada.com/leo Moon in Gemini; In gemini people are very talkative. They are able to make friends easily, and usually know a lot of people, they are able to understand people very easily, they see both side of people view. http://www.astrolada.com/gemini Ascendant will be either Sagittarius or Scorpio, Scorpio if you are born before 16h20: http://www.astrolada.com/scorpio Scorpio is an emotive sign which deal with a lot of feeling and are great manipulator. They have a strong personality. Sagittarius is more the spiritual individual, more an open minded thinker that look for freedom. The spiritual factor will depend on a lot of other stuff but there will be some influence on the individual. http://www.astrolada.com/sagittarius Moon Mars conjunction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHV0t8wJ3Hs If you have problem with relationship, here is the most problematic area: Your venus is debilitated: mutual respect and appreciation becomes conditional and there is difficulty in maintaining mutual respect in human relations. The native will readily see the flaws in anything of beauty, which also makes it difficult for them to create anything of beauty. Sexual imbalances will be noted, from possible frigidity to adulterous affairs. Most importantly the native will lack proper judgment in making decisions that affect their happiness and pleasure, resulting in limiting conditions and unhappiness. If debilitated Venus has its debilitation canceled, mutual respect is established with the help of formalities. The native becomes capable of learning principles and laws that help them make the choices that result in their greatest happiness. It's not canceled unless you are born after 4:20pm In relationship the native will feel unworthy, so it's decision won't be for his best interest. Also you have your Saturn in Libra on your relationship chart like me. This placement will make you very critical about peoples when you are in the breakdown stage. The root problem is the inability to feel loved. Hard to see that one when you are the one being critical. I didn't see until I use the bach flower for that problem which is Beech. You might not be at the breakdown stage though. It can be tricky to pinpoint the behavior because even if we know the root problem the compensation hide the root problem very well. Read the pdf for more info on that. Saturn in Pisces: Attitude/Complex: Uncertainty with life, indecision with what to hold onto and what to let go off, what to move forward with and what to leave, results in fluctuating indecision. Compensation: Escapism, denial of what needs to be done. Virgo/Pisces Breakdown: Lack of faith that circumstances can improve, resulting in lethargy. Rahu in Scorpio: Attitude/Complex: Lack of emotional security results in fear of the unknown, or unfounded worries. Compensation: Hides pain and stress, difficulty with intimacy, closed emotionally, and may turn to addictions. Taurus/Scorpio Breakdown: Becomes resentful, and jealous of others’ security, and/or apathetic and resigned to their poor fate I would prescribe you this remedy: Star of Bethlehem : everyone need it. Wallnut : for your venus problem. Rock Rose : Hidden fears reactivated by smaller disturbances. It's the aspect of Saturn on ketu. Then the hardest part to figured out, use only the above at first: If you read the pdf about the batch flower you will know which flower to take You have to cure the Libra sign for your relationship with others. Then Pisces, then Scorpio, Scorpio sign should affect your sexual life (inability to enjoy sex properly) Birtchart: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Cla4O...sp=sharing Edit: sorry for the typo.
10-02-2015, 07:28 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-02-2015, 07:53 AM by JackOfHearts.)
I'm going to change the pattern of my reading. I will link the sign directly to the description. As it becomes repetitive for me. I'm going to focus on specifics things. And mostly on the part that need improvement. So this isn't going to be a reading made to praise the individual but more for self improvement. When we know what our psychological problems are we can deal with them more effectively. Sun Gemini: http://www.astrolada.com/gemini Moon: http://www.astrolada.com/libra Asc Leo: http://www.astrolada.com/leo I don't see a lot of problem in this chart, you have a very good Jupiter, The Sun is good, Venus is bit infleunced by Saturn but is well place on his own sign. Weakest planet is the moon which might be why you feel like an introvert (yes I read your introduction post, I cheated ![]() The moon is social planet, it help us connect with people on the emotional level. I have a friend who have a combust moon and he is a very cold person. Though your moon is still in a good shape, it's just the weakest planet you have in your chart. Also your moon is influenced a bit by Saturn, and a lot by mars. It's strange that you say that you an introverted guy. Looking at your chart I would have said the opposite but that is just if I look at the main sign Sun, moon and Asc. Your Moon is in Libra, a communicative sign, air, your Sun is Gemini, it's an air sign. Your ascendant is leo, very proud and large personality, usually extrovert not introvert. You are in your Rahu period period since you are 14 and you will be in that period till you are 32. So since that period that part your personality should be more obvious, and the event in your life should enfold in that direction. Your rahu is placed in the 7th house in Aquarius. The 7th house is related to other people, communication, business transaction, love, relationship, etc. The description is similar to the 7th sign Libra your moon. Rahu is the place where you worked the least in your previous life and needs improvement. It's the area in your life that you are the least comfortable with. So it might be the reason why you feel like an introvert. But since you are 14 you should have been focused on improving that part of your life. Rahu job is to make us focus on the part of our life which need improvement. http://www.astrolada.com/poisonous-and-o...-horoscope Your rahu in Aquarius will create a specific attitude problem (rahu does that for everyone like saturn). It's describe as the following in the pdf I linked: Aquarius : Attitude/Complex: Insecure with individuality Compensation: “Groupie” or rebels from peers. Often personal rigidity and self-denial in extreme efforts to make oneself OK. Leo/Aquarius Breakdown: Hatred, inability to feel love, possibly resulting in isolation. I had the same problem, I stayed at home for a good period of my life. But that problem should be less obvious than the Saturn one, as it's easier for us to deal with Saturn first and then Rahu. Your Saturn problem is a bit similar as there are both Saturn's sign: Aquarius and Capricorn. Capricorn: Attitude/Complex: Fearful about life and the many known difficulties and sufferings that could possibly befall one. Compensation: Self-centered control with the hope of preventing the realization of their fears. Cancer/Capricorn Breakdown: Utter dejection and unhappiness. This problem also add to the introverted personality, I have the same problem too, mine are just inverted Saturn in Aquarius, Rahu in Cap Saturn is in leo in another chart related to relationship. You should have this personality problem: Attitude/Complex: Lack of self-esteem. Compensation: Arrogant display, demands respect and full of self-importance. Leo/Aquarius Breakdown: Hatred, inability to feel love, possibly resulting in isolation. It's harder to prescribe remedy for you as there are not related to your planets, it means you should be better in life, you are just in a harsh period of your life(rahu): Star of Bethlehem: like everyone Impatience: your mars is strongly aspected by Saturn. And then it's the less easy part to guess. It's best to start with Saturn: so Capricorn, I would bet you are either on the breakdown or compensation so it's sweet chestnut or heather. Then for Aquarius it's either Holly or Rock water. Read the pdf for more info, the link is in my previous post. Chart: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Cla4O...sp=sharing
10-06-2015, 12:32 PM
I dunno how u got libra . Buy my moonsign is virgo. Will check my kundli n revert back
10-06-2015, 01:04 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-26-2015, 05:34 AM by JackOfHearts.)
Yeah it's Virgo if you use the Sidereal Zodiac but I use the Tropical Zodiac.
The tropical is typically used by western astrologer while the sidereal by Vedic/india astrology. But I use Vedic astrology with the tropical Zodiac. I think the Tropical zodiac describe better the personality while the sidereal describe more the spiritual aspect. If you don't understand what I'm talking about read that pdf: http://www.vedic-astrology.net/Articles/...Zodiac.pdf For my part I found that each time I used the tropical zodiac on someone the description was more accurate. When I used on my friend and me the description were more fitting than the sidereal zodiac. I have my Sun in Aquarius with the sidereal zodiac and in Pisces with the Tropical. The Pisces Sun describe my personality much more better. Same for my moon in Gemini vs Taurus in the sidereal. I would have preferred to have the Sidereal zodiac though because I have 3 planet much more better placed in the sidereal. But the the tropical fit better to what I am. If you never heard about the zodiac it's not an easy part of astrology, it takes time to fully grasp it. And even for me it's still not completly clear.
10-11-2015, 03:15 AM
Another example about sidereal vs tropical.
I have 3 friends born at a date very close. 2 of them are born the 21 march 1992, one is born the 26 march 1992, all males. In tropical zodiac they all have Sun in Aries and Venus in Pisces. This 2 planets are exalted here. The Sun is very important for a male as it is the confidence, it makes someone very confident when in Aries. Venus is the relationship planet, so when it is well placed the individual has a lot of self worth and know how to handle relationship very well. This 3 friends of mine always had a lot relationship with a lot of girls. They have a lot of female friends to chose from. They are very confident, they never hesitated to ask question when they need a answer, I never saw them shy in public place. I was 2 years in school with them. If I use the sidereal they all have Sun in Pisces and Venus in Aquarius. Sun in Pisces make someone sensitive, emotional, aloof, living in their dream. Venus is in Aquarius is good but not exceptional. Here is the description of The exalted Sun and Venus in my software: EXALTED SUN: Another name for Aries is Visva. Visva is God as the soul acting through the physical body; it is the true sustainer of the body. When the Sun is exalted, the native is strong in character as a result of the intuitive awareness of this creative life energy. The exalted Sun gives strength and will to the character, self assurance, steadfastness, independence and a strong vitality. EXALTED VENUS: If Venus is exalted, the native has the capacity for maintaining mutual respect, from which love grows, in all their relationships. There is great energy for devotion and creating things of great and refined beauty. The desire nature is pure and though the native will be passionate, their passions will be controlled and idealistic. Most significantly, the native will have the ability to determine the worth and value of their actions and desires when it comes to making important decisions. They are, therefore, able to choose an option with the knowledge that they chose the one of greatest worth, confidently and with no regrets.
10-26-2015, 05:37 AM
I decided to stop my astrology reading for now as I don't get enough feedback and if I don't get feedback it's not really useful for me. I do it for free so I can improve my reading but if I don't get feedback it's more useful to do it on my friend and the people I meet.
10-27-2015, 11:05 AM
(10-06-2015, 01:04 PM)Alpha360 Wrote: Yeah it's Virgo if you use the Sidereal Zodiac but I use the Tropical Zodiac. Didn't know about the sidereal and tropical thing. As we follow this sidereal thing here in India . As about my personality, yeah I am introvert 95%. Those links seems useful. N m quite sure i'll make out some positive changes from it
10-27-2015, 11:24 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-27-2015, 11:25 AM by JackOfHearts.)
I think this will help understand where you come from, what are your weaknesses and strength:
KETU IN THE 1ST HOUSE, RAHU IN THE 7TH HOUSE: Ketu in the 1st house indicates a native who in recent past lives has gone at things alone and thereby felt secure in knowing that they can handle themselves through any situation. Rahu's placement in the 7th house indicates that in this life the native is in need of learning how to be as efficient and capable in a partnership. These natives generally feel quite confident and capable by themselves, but in partnerships of any sort they tend to experience a lot of doubt and insecurity. In fact, around others they tend to feel very insecure and threatened, they often feel that their every move is being watched and analyzed, though it is really they themselves that are watching their and others' every move with the intense analysis of Ketu. This sometimes leaves them feeling naked, or as if they are in an alien civilization trying to find a niche for themselves, unsure if they will be welcomed or not. All these concerns are the result of an intense self-focus that causes the native to be aware and hypersensitive of every aspect of themselves, as well as creating a great need for perfection in all their actions. This need for perfection gives doubts of how to behave and act, as well as a self-critical nature that is only aware of how far they are from perfection in their actions, rather than how good they do, even if others congratulate and validate them for their performances. Until the native has detached from the role of his personality these self-doubts will pain him. Once he learns that perfection is a perfect harmony of his karmas, his merits, others' karmas, others' merits and grace, and that that is all that can ever happen, no better or no worse, then he can be content with his actions and behavior. Ketu's placement indicates the native having spent more time in the past lives in self-development at the expense of social development. In this lifetime, Rahu makes partnerships more difficult and more draining. There is generally a need to learn what is right for the native in a partner, as well as how to go about maintaining a relationship. Generally a relationship is more demanding upon the native than they would desire. This is due to them having difficulty being themselves in the relationship and instead taking on extra burdens of the partner, or because it is necessary for them to learn to include the other as a larger part of themselves. Ketu also makes the native very self-controlled, and also one who hides his weakness or insecurities. Their partners, therefore, tend to go to the opposite and be very uncontrolled, more chaotic individuals, as indicated by Rahu. The native has to learn that as long as they are overly controlled, and hidden, their partners will be very unbalanced and overly expressive. As the native learns to feel more secure with themselves around others and allow their personalities to flow naturally, their partners will be more balanced and they will be able to have more productive relationships. KETU IN LEO, RAHU IN AQUARIUS: Ketu in Leo indicates a native who in recent past lives has attempted to create security through expressing a noble and dignified personality. Often times they may have even had a station in life that required them to express a noble personality. The result of this is that they did not completely express themselves along their most natural lines, rather they exhibited only what was best or most virtuous and noble. In this life, Ketu in Leo, gives great self-doubts that are the result of the native being unsure of what aspects of their personality to express, and what to hide. They are insecure, though they may appear very magnetic. The purpose for creating these doubts are to help the native overcome any attachment to their role, this allows for the individual to become completely individualized, this need being indicated by Rahu's placement in Aquarius. Rahu in Aquarius indicates that the native is rapidly becoming individualized. Being individualized is to obtain an honest security that has no need to try to be more than it is out of any weakness, or to be held back or hidden due to any weakness; to see oneself with all one's pluses and minuses, accepting them evenly. This placement of Rahu gives the opportunity for one to become psychologically healthy, at ease with themselves and their personality. The doubts given by Ketu in Leo become less as the native identifies with groups and peers of like mindedness. The group involvement, indicated by Rahu in Aquarius, allows the native to see where they are similar to others, and also where they are unique and different, this allows the native to become more secure with their individuality.
10-29-2015, 12:11 PM
(10-27-2015, 11:24 AM)Alpha360 Wrote: I think this will help understand where you come from, what are your weaknesses and strength:Bang on with almost everything. The doubtful nature. What personality to express, less doubts with like minded people, etc . It's mostly true . That's awesome seriously.
10-29-2015, 12:16 PM
Though I know u are into with healing all this with the flowers. But here there's no such thing . We are offered here with gemstones. Any insight about it??
Btw I always believed that a person's past and future are predicted by their horoscopes. Not the personality. (except Chinese calendar, which has been true atleast in my case) but u r true with almost every point of mine. I wish I met you in person. That would have done wonders.
10-29-2015, 10:41 PM
The gemstone are much more complicated to use and can have some unwanted effect. The healing process with gemstone can in some case cause adverse effect. First you have to find a good gemstone which is hard from what I heard and then there is the price for the gemstone. I don't even use gemstone for myself because I want to be sure I do everything correctly. So I won't recommend any gemstone for anyone unless I know for sure they are safe to use.
The bach flower on the other hand are almost available everywhere, I'm not sure in India but they should be available in most drugstore or organic shop in the western country. In case they are not available in your country you can still order them from internet. The Bach flower are the flower from England. I would be surprised if there is no shop in India who sell Bach flower. And most importantly they are very easy to use and completely safe. In India they use the sidereal zodiac, this zodiac is much more useful/accurate to predict event in someone life. In fact most Indian astrologer do only prediction because they have success doing that and not the personality. On the other hand the western astrologer rarely do any prediction because they use the tropical zodiac and that zodiac is much better to describe someone personality rather than predict their life. When I do prediction I use the sidereal zodiac and when I described the personality I use the tropical zodiac. But for now I avoid doing prediction because it is much more harder than describing the personality. Also some people doesn't like to have their future predicted, they prefer to talk about their personality. When I do prediction I can predict in what area a person will focus their attention. What a person will do and if they will succeed in that area is another matter. |
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