(11-27-2016, 04:23 PM)Illumi Wrote: If DMSI becomes THAT strong and i mean really really strong effective then its just a numbers game untill someone missusess it, although that type of controvesy would generate thousands of costumers making Shannon a multi millionare. Unless the higher authorities interfere and limit what how strong Shannon can make subs.
Its really fun to speculate, give it 2 years or more then everybody who wants to get better with women will be here using DMSI or SM4. That would be fun
Hahaha I hear you man. Though I believe that in order for DMSI to get to that level of power it would need to allow a normal dude to be able to get approached quite regularly. Now the good news is that we've seen the Sniperfrog module work for a couple of guys but (IMO) that module would need to work on a far more consistent level before a warning label would be warranted. Plus I am getting fatigued with the DMSI line. Not gonna lie. It's been a long road trip to the DMSI promise land and I hope we start seeing the exit so we can get out, stretch our legs, and go play on all the fun rides in DMSI land.

I am happy though that Shannon is taking a more...aggressive approach to DMIS. I feel that this sub is going to warrant some high grade quirples in order to work. That may require perhaps going deep, deep, DEEEEEEEEP into the toolbox. It may require a little bit of glitching and maybe even some Gameshark level shit to make this work.

EDIT: Just wanted to make sure I add that I knew that this wasn't going to be easy nor quick to get DMSI right but I do think in the past months this forum has definitely become a lot more close-knit. Hopefully we'll all get to pop some champagne when this beast is finished.