09-20-2016, 06:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-20-2016, 06:38 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
Proceeding gently with the cleanse and detox... really felt I wanted to post my evenings jounral on my page here, here...as E2 has been leading me in some interesting and helpful direction:
Day 119 of running E2...did the math on the months and days its been since beginning E2 including 31 days in a month stuff...result 9/20/16 will be the offical marker for 120 days on E2, four months and climbing,I intend on going at least til years end,UNLESS Shannon comes out with a combo program of Ultra Success-LuckMagnifier-Money Magnet- and whatever else may be included in such,if that happens thaddah way.I know eventually he's gonna build ultra success just dunno fully if it'll be included in a combo as well..shure as heck would be nice and effective..understatement,in 6G.
seems the deeper I go,the longer I go E2 continues to amaze.
The growth continues...gotta celebrate tomarrow some how, of the victory of a four month marker as such. The growth deepens!
Felt strongly and definitely led by my subconscious mind to begin some deeper cleansing physically.
doing a regiment,protocol of TURKEY rubard powder,kills parasitic eggs in the gut( I know ,sounds gross but its the reality. as most folk have parasites and candida and dont know it,misdiagnoses or dont give a fuk,due to fuked up diet,stress,over processed food,heavy metals,and a myriad of other 'bad shit'... the goodnews is this shit is heal-able: so back to it:
1)Turkey Rubard powder
2) diamtemacious earth (powder)
3) Intrasound resonated healing,detox,energizing powder
4) Syntol capsules ( eats up candisis and its hardend protective-shield-shell,alike,kick ass stuff)
5) LL's Magnetic Clay Baths ( Pulls out heavy metals in the body,thru da skin,all while sitting in a
warm bath,Usually bath water is silky white with clay stirred in the water/mix,by the time the
person gets out,its soot black)
A) Im doing the 'clear out' detox formula with herbal remedies mixed in with the clay:
Every bath kit contains the following elements:
5 pounds of the Bulk Magnetic Clay Formula
8 pages of Step-by-Step Instructions
15 pH Test Strips
1 Herbal Formula Pack
1 Fiberglass Drain Screen
1 Flat Drain Stopper
Because the sources for environmental toxins can be numerous, LL Magnetic Clay offers this all-natural bath as a way to help you detox from heavy metals like aluminum, lead, and mercury. It also helps you find relief from memory and mood issues, parasites, allergies, and anxiety.
I'm Making the choice to improve My overall health with a comfortable, relaxing bath. Clear-Out General Detox Clay Bath from LL Magnetic Clay works to remove environmental pollutants and other toxins from your body while you relax.... the difference it can make in your overall health and wellness.
Keith: and removes Copper,too,as well as parasites and candida I might add,
#6) Organic Apple Cidar Vingegar,too
#7) Essiac Tea ( from remedies.net,amazon,e-bay. there a few others that are
excellent to utilize are red bush( sometimes know as cancer bush) tea and
Chapparal Tea's,alike,all 3 are an ass kicking combo for healing/regen/removal
of old toxins in the body!!) "Im making NO claims"-sharing MY experiences and
resources; IMHO disclaimer!)
I begin over the weekend,as soon as MY Magnetic Clay baths arrive and the coast is clearer I being. E2 cleasning and healing continues! Go Shannon. Keith. 9/20/16
Day 119 of running E2...did the math on the months and days its been since beginning E2 including 31 days in a month stuff...result 9/20/16 will be the offical marker for 120 days on E2, four months and climbing,I intend on going at least til years end,UNLESS Shannon comes out with a combo program of Ultra Success-LuckMagnifier-Money Magnet- and whatever else may be included in such,if that happens thaddah way.I know eventually he's gonna build ultra success just dunno fully if it'll be included in a combo as well..shure as heck would be nice and effective..understatement,in 6G.
seems the deeper I go,the longer I go E2 continues to amaze.
The growth continues...gotta celebrate tomarrow some how, of the victory of a four month marker as such. The growth deepens!
Felt strongly and definitely led by my subconscious mind to begin some deeper cleansing physically.
doing a regiment,protocol of TURKEY rubard powder,kills parasitic eggs in the gut( I know ,sounds gross but its the reality. as most folk have parasites and candida and dont know it,misdiagnoses or dont give a fuk,due to fuked up diet,stress,over processed food,heavy metals,and a myriad of other 'bad shit'... the goodnews is this shit is heal-able: so back to it:
1)Turkey Rubard powder
2) diamtemacious earth (powder)
3) Intrasound resonated healing,detox,energizing powder
4) Syntol capsules ( eats up candisis and its hardend protective-shield-shell,alike,kick ass stuff)
5) LL's Magnetic Clay Baths ( Pulls out heavy metals in the body,thru da skin,all while sitting in a
warm bath,Usually bath water is silky white with clay stirred in the water/mix,by the time the
person gets out,its soot black)
A) Im doing the 'clear out' detox formula with herbal remedies mixed in with the clay:
Every bath kit contains the following elements:
5 pounds of the Bulk Magnetic Clay Formula
8 pages of Step-by-Step Instructions
15 pH Test Strips
1 Herbal Formula Pack
1 Fiberglass Drain Screen
1 Flat Drain Stopper
Because the sources for environmental toxins can be numerous, LL Magnetic Clay offers this all-natural bath as a way to help you detox from heavy metals like aluminum, lead, and mercury. It also helps you find relief from memory and mood issues, parasites, allergies, and anxiety.
I'm Making the choice to improve My overall health with a comfortable, relaxing bath. Clear-Out General Detox Clay Bath from LL Magnetic Clay works to remove environmental pollutants and other toxins from your body while you relax.... the difference it can make in your overall health and wellness.
Keith: and removes Copper,too,as well as parasites and candida I might add,
#6) Organic Apple Cidar Vingegar,too
#7) Essiac Tea ( from remedies.net,amazon,e-bay. there a few others that are
excellent to utilize are red bush( sometimes know as cancer bush) tea and
Chapparal Tea's,alike,all 3 are an ass kicking combo for healing/regen/removal
of old toxins in the body!!) "Im making NO claims"-sharing MY experiences and
resources; IMHO disclaimer!)
I begin over the weekend,as soon as MY Magnetic Clay baths arrive and the coast is clearer I being. E2 cleasning and healing continues! Go Shannon. Keith. 9/20/16
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"