03-06-2025, 04:09 AM
I'm on Day 2 of X4A-1600, doing 3 loops per day: Here's some initial feedback:
-Feels very different to X4A-1500/X4A-1511. The feeling of heat is stronger, however the feeling of... how to describe it... "energetic tingling" or "energetic pulsing" I used to feel on previous versions isn't there. Makes me think that must have been the shield at work?
-I'm not feeling myself "sniping" women as strongly as previous versions. It used to be that I'd feel myself sniping someone before I even knew they were there... I'd feel it working, look around, and low and behold there would be someone there. This time the heat feels more like it's always there, but not ramping up as much for a particularly attractive woman. By "heat" I'm referring to tingling in genitals, sunburn feeling in cheeks, sometimes burning sensation in nostrils.
-I'm getting some IOIs, but they feel more like what I'd get on DMSI. Playful smiles, extended looks. X4A the hits are usually different in nature, less overt but more of them visually getting more turned on over time (red faces, wagging legs, etc.) then realising and starting to look around for what's making them horny. Haven't had as much of that so far.
-The horniness feels much stronger. The sensitivity in genitals is way ramped up. Maybe TMI but even urinating feels amazing, didn't have that on previous versions
-Body scent always changes on X4A, but this version the change is stronger. Maybe TMI but can smell my genitals even through my clothing sometimes, never had that before.
-Feeling much more present and in the moment. Externally focused. Perhaps less load on the brain and so more able to be present instead of processing?
It's only Day 2 so might just need time to ramp up. I won't lie I am tempted to increase the exposure time a little, but I'll stick with it for at least a few more cycles.
FYI, my best results on X4A-1500 was 8 loops and X4A-1511 was 4 loops.
Hope this is helpful!
-Feels very different to X4A-1500/X4A-1511. The feeling of heat is stronger, however the feeling of... how to describe it... "energetic tingling" or "energetic pulsing" I used to feel on previous versions isn't there. Makes me think that must have been the shield at work?
-I'm not feeling myself "sniping" women as strongly as previous versions. It used to be that I'd feel myself sniping someone before I even knew they were there... I'd feel it working, look around, and low and behold there would be someone there. This time the heat feels more like it's always there, but not ramping up as much for a particularly attractive woman. By "heat" I'm referring to tingling in genitals, sunburn feeling in cheeks, sometimes burning sensation in nostrils.
-I'm getting some IOIs, but they feel more like what I'd get on DMSI. Playful smiles, extended looks. X4A the hits are usually different in nature, less overt but more of them visually getting more turned on over time (red faces, wagging legs, etc.) then realising and starting to look around for what's making them horny. Haven't had as much of that so far.
-The horniness feels much stronger. The sensitivity in genitals is way ramped up. Maybe TMI but even urinating feels amazing, didn't have that on previous versions
-Body scent always changes on X4A, but this version the change is stronger. Maybe TMI but can smell my genitals even through my clothing sometimes, never had that before.
-Feeling much more present and in the moment. Externally focused. Perhaps less load on the brain and so more able to be present instead of processing?
It's only Day 2 so might just need time to ramp up. I won't lie I am tempted to increase the exposure time a little, but I'll stick with it for at least a few more cycles.
FYI, my best results on X4A-1500 was 8 loops and X4A-1511 was 4 loops.
Hope this is helpful!