03-24-2021, 12:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-24-2021, 12:41 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
(03-24-2021, 11:19 AM)Chris P. Bacon Wrote: First of Shannon, thank you for AOL. I decided to kick my own ass and play it 4 loops for my first day and I feel amazing. A lot of peace and relaxation today.
I see a much wider application for AOL as being a tool in the toolbox of EPHRA, SE, confidence of any kind, responsibility for self and others. In short, my life outlook has been drastically altered in one night. With love coursing through my being I'm having an experience of life that I have not had in close to a decade if not more. Hope, enjoyment, safety, positive emotional state, the held stress in my body is reduced, healthy mindsets and thought patterns and probably more that I am not quite aware of yet. I'm wondering if you have plans to, if it's even possible, have a balance of love projected inwardly and outwardly and if that's something that even needs to happen. For me, AOL has scratched the itch I was hoping so many other subs would have and that is an elevated opinion and feeling of self. I can see so AOL having so much value in any arena that includes the sense of self.
Quite frankly, I think that AOL is equally as important as OF or FRM and I was wondering if you had anymore plans for its usage or incorporation into other subs.
Also, AOL is a winner in my opinion if I didn't convey myself clearly enough already.
Right on Crispy!! Right on. Now I feel relived! WHy coz I ran AOL twice today on my first go round of it,I may try 4 loops tomorrow but for today Im done. congrats ona job well done. One things for shure i AM NOT GOING TO OVER DO IT..... in facr I think I'll attempt 3 loops tomorrow and see how it goes,that may in face be my 'sweet spot; thanks Chris P.Bacon for the inspiration even if you didnt mean too be inspiring:-) Loving Aura of Love,too.
Proviso : I take that back ,for me,I mean, 2 loops is plenty, its kicked my ass enough. Im gonna stick one or two loops per day untl further progress is made and even then it may not be more.
All the best though Chris. your fortitude in light of these things is some else!!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"