03-19-2021, 03:53 PM
(03-19-2021, 02:45 PM)Wiseg9999 Wrote: Shannon, can you help please?
Ive finished my second cycle of MLS. Im using MLS to improve my day trading. Day trading can be frustrating especially when there is no progress and you dont seem to be learning anything which was/is my situation - hence why i purchased MLS.
However frustrating my experience has been, the last 2 weeks my anger has entered another level. I am the hulk right now, I could quite easily smash everything in my apartment. Of course, ive never had such extreme anger / frustration. I am a little hot tempered then the average person, but definitely not the violent breaking kind - i dont think ive even broken anything.
I do know that learning and frustration and anger are polar opposites, you cannot learn in such a state. therefore my question is, am i being a d!ckh$$d or is this some kind of resistance from MLS?
If I am being a d!ckh$$d, ill find a way to solve it.
But if it is MLS resistance, how can i deal with it? Listen everyday for example? Force this sh!t out.
Thanks Shannon.
ps. fyi a small report I dont feel any other resistance. Im not eating more like others have reported. Im not tired, ive used other programs where i needed to go to sleep every day in the afternoon. Not feeling that w MLS. First cycle i was super motivated, second cycle motivation was/is stabilised. Small pockets of happy moments. General depression associated with my trading seems to be reduced compared to 2 weeks although, not entirely sure if that MLS related or just dumb luck.
Shannon did say that the newer FRM 4.9 is far more 'aggressive' in going after the fears,digging deeper,sooner,faster than the previous version....something along those line, NOT an exact quote of it! However,Indeed is plenty strong.
I almost got MLS for that alone. MY money's on fear remover kicking some ass, at some real deep shit,thats been buried deep down for a long time. not a blame, an observation. we all have some shit to clear. Your courage is admirable man. plz keep going.
drink lots water
long walks/exercise
Laugh your ass off when possible,comedy stand up on youtube,ect... you know? you know what to do....on all this
deep connected breathing.. ya know.
Shannon can tell ya more on the subject,however thats My take on it.
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"