(09-12-2020, 12:02 AM)Determined Wrote:(09-11-2020, 08:35 PM)CatMan Wrote: Well, I'm concerned it'll be what he spoke of way back.
Changing the program to only target women who ALREADY are attracted to you. Which obviously just ruins everything and defeats the whole purpose of running the sub. If you don't have any girls attracted to you now (whether or not you find them attractive is another problem altogether with this), then nothing happens. Plus, let's face it, the point of running the program is to get girls who are beyond your grasp currently. That's just reality. Because if they were already in your grasp, and attracted to you, and you to them, you wouldn't need the program to begin with. So the logic of changing to this made no sense to me.
Was always very concerned whenever he'd bring up that possible change. I hope that never comes to pass.
Not quite. You’d be surprised how many women are attracted to you but expect you to make the moves. If the guy doesn’t make the move, nothing happens. If the sub helps facilitate those interactions then it’s a net positive and something of a sexual lubricant for making things much easier.
You don’t need to convince women who don’t want you that you’re worthy my friend. Please let that go
Hi there, old friend! Thanks for taking the time to write a post to me.
First off, my post was about the worry of Shannon changing the sub to only affect women already attracted to you as he's spoken of before. I believe that would devastate the program. Especially in my case with women around me who have already rejected me or I have no deep interest in, negate it's purpose, and the reason why we use it is to get women who are currently out of our reach. If they were in our reach and we liked each other, then obviously no program would be needed anyway.
But yeah, if I've asked the girl out and she wasn't interested, I naturally take that as not being worthy for whatever reason in her eyes. If I was, she'd be all over it. I always ask myself in every interaction with a girl, if she'd treat Justin Bieber or Drake the same way. Keeps me from deluding myself to spare my ego, and clarifies the truth that is a lack of attraction from her and low worth in her eyes for whatever reason. It is what it is, can't force attraction. But if I want a girl, obviously it matters what she thinks of me. Because if she doesn't like me, nothing happens and it's a failure. And it's readily apparent who has value and does not in such a situation is all I mean. This is why I don't understand when people say to not care, others don't determine your worth, when yes, girls do. They do get a say. I've never been able to understand that.
Oh I do make moves, as I've talked about before. Not since this crap popped off near the start of the year, of course. Last one was in February, went badly and was painful and embarrassing, as usual...ended up making my mental mountain with girls just a little bit taller now, oof. Probably why coupled with the virus stuff, I've pulled back even further and feel even lower interest in "trying" with them. I think I'm just really fed up with "trying" and "making moves", and zero appreciation or it ever not being a failure and a painful embarrassment being unfortunate enough to become attracted to them somehow. No matter what, they just don't seem to be into it, I'm always such a great "friend". So at some point you just say screw it, "I'm just not the exciting hot douche bad boy they seem to be addicted to and chase despite always whining about them and how they want "good men", whatever why bother".
Maybe this sub can change that issue and they WILL see worth going forward and start saying yes, or even do something themselves to drive interactions like they're alleged to on the sales page. We'll see, I'm extremely skeptical, naturally given my background with girls and because they seem to have mountains of options by default anyway and zero appreciation for any individual guy due to the options they have, and a hair trigger sensitivity to cut you off for the slightest infraction. I only see them act like that, thirsting and chasing, for bad boys, or famous guys. But I do constantly struggle with a lot of resentment towards them from their treatment of me, and wonder if I truly want such treatment in my life and if women are actually worth it after all...
Thank you very much for thinking of me and posting, friend. Please stay safe, Dr.