Hello again,
Its been awhile since I have posted anything.
I have started EHPRA v2. Im starting this because I want to get over any fears I have and to find myself, who I really am.
I had started a thread (in the drafts) and figured it would be too long for any of you to read. I see alot of new faces on here so I will give a brief background before I begin.
I started off with EHPRA 1v for I think 90 days back in Nov-Dec of 2014. Then bought AM6 and did that until June? Found it to be too intensive (of how many stages and all) so I returned for a refund.
Anyway, alot has happened. I could write chapters on this (no seriously I-did but deleted it because I didn't want to do a TL;DR at the end
Was jobless when AM6 ended.
In July got this crappy job that didn't pay well, I leveraged that to get the job I wanted at good pay (Local and State govt in IT). So basically I started this Govt. job in late July.
In August moved out. Moved to a more college town with hot babes (will get to this in a moment). City size: ~300k
Saved $$ and took a daygame.com boot-camp in LA in September with Andy and Martin. I will mention a few things:
1. Definitely mind opening. I did some solo one-on-one with Andy after it ended. In total probably went up to 70-90 women. Got some insta-dates but no real super-success. I attribute this to old-BS creeping in. I also was wearing an inappropriate T-Shirt (naked girls) and swim-trunks when talking to girls (I did this to prove to myself that you cant hurt your chances by doing so- which was true).
2. I met a very good friend of mine (a co-student) by doing so. He ended up moving in with me at my house.
September: Found it hard to approach/go-up-to any girls still. Very hard. In-fact I did no approaches. Thank god my friend was moving in, in October.
October-November: Best months of 2014. We went to the college every-day and went up to girls, pushed eachother. HARD. I Didn't get any success (he did- but we were on different levels to start anyway)- (When I mean success I mean lays, I did have alot of dates though). I started with big-girls. What can I say, "Started from the bottom now we're here."
Anyway, at that time working on sexualization of intrest. Not being afraid of being sexual, leading, dates and stuff.
December: The Best Month I have ever had. My friend decides hes going to live in Hawaii. So he does. I feel like shit. Its good to have someone who motivates you to push yourself.
I pay for another boot-camp. This time with Yad.
My momentum stays with me. And I still approach. I get my first Daygame lay with a chick from the University. A 6 id say. I also ask out my Barista (Just turned 18- solid 9). At this point I am learning more and more how to be sexual. What to do and not.
More often than not, you don't go for the hail-mary on the first date. Lesson learned. 1st venue is playful and non-intimate (however every-date ive been on- I have successfully made-out/ no-resistance). 2nd venue is more intimate (your sitting side-by-side), after: "hey you should come by and see my puppy" "ok". She comes over, sees my puppy, I take her for a tour. The last place... my bedroom. Bam. Kiss. Sex.
Oh so that first girl was a 6. Got the barista home on the first date (and after only the first venue- she was a horny girl. Im going to remember that girl for life, I riskly hit it raw- it worked out
Thats 2.
Went on the boot-camp. Basically just me and Yad. This sh** was crazy. Not only did I meet a ton of women it was like, I was way better than before (oh yeah and barista chick is sending me nudes... score!). I love Santa-Monica. Damn.
I get lots of insta-dates, lots of feedback and I just feel friggin awesome! Like on-fire. Boot-camp ends. I stay in Venice Beach for 3 more days. On Monday, im not really feeling it but I go up to this cute 8, she casually mentions she could go for a drink or coffee. We go for coffee. The line is long. Never-mind, we go for drinks. Long story short, I kiss her after the first venue, pull her to another then go for food. Then back to my place. First Same-day-lay. Wow. Like Wow. Mind blown.
Thats 3.
Last day, I'm in Santa-Monica. One particular girl is being a bit cold. I keep texting her. I finally get her out. We go out for food. At first not much flirting. But its me, I'm in my head. Take a couple breaths and loosen up. It works. We hit a second venue, then walk back to my car (I tell her I no longer am staying at a place because I am leaving tonight). We make-out, clothes come off. Bam.
Thats 4
And I meet a girl on Bumble on New Years eve. That one is easy, shes already to go.
Thats 5.
So alot has changed for me. I no longer am insecure about girls. If I see one, I go up to her. No questions asked. I ask her out and seal the deal.
The thing is that I am trying to figure out with EPRAH v2 is that after I came back from Santa-Monica, I don't have much of a desire for women anymore. I think it may be where I am living (the city feels too small) I'm just not that happy where I am currently living. Or I am just tired of women and would rather focus on myself. I feel as though, women are alot more work than I want to put in. I am not really sure. I would like some feedback on this (anyone have this before?)...
(I Forgot to mention... I stopped looking at porn awhile ago. My desire decreased alot but so did any depression. Depression of beautiful women- why arent any in my life etc. But I do feel alot better since Im not looking at porn)
But one thing is for sure. I broke the glass ceiling that I had for myself, I truly believed that I could not be loved or have beautiful women attracted to me. I no longer feel this way. I know that I always held the key to success in dating/sex realm.
(I think alot of guys come from the mindset that they need lines or something to get women attracted. The fact is: You don't need anything. All you need is your C**k. And now I know.)
I have done some scary stuff since then that I had fear towards: Skydiving, Karaoke and Improv comedy.
Anyway this is my journal...
First real entry:
I have been thinking of moving back to the small town I originally left (when I got the govt job). I dont have to drive 45m to home/to work every-day and have been looking forward to getting rid of alot of stuff. Alot. Its a bit weird. All I feel that I need is a place to sleep, one or two electronic devices, some books, clothing and my motorcycle.
I didn't mention this but I also bought a motorcycle. BMW K100, fixer upper. I am enjoying the process of fixing it.
I am going to take a trip this summer from Imperial Beach (San-Diego) to Vancouver BC on my motorcycle. Ride HYW 1 (PCH) all the way. Then next year I want to spend 6 months in Brazil. Maybe never come back.
I just have had this deep desire to change or keep changing. [edited as per rule 4]
Its been awhile since I have posted anything.
I have started EHPRA v2. Im starting this because I want to get over any fears I have and to find myself, who I really am.
I had started a thread (in the drafts) and figured it would be too long for any of you to read. I see alot of new faces on here so I will give a brief background before I begin.
I started off with EHPRA 1v for I think 90 days back in Nov-Dec of 2014. Then bought AM6 and did that until June? Found it to be too intensive (of how many stages and all) so I returned for a refund.
Anyway, alot has happened. I could write chapters on this (no seriously I-did but deleted it because I didn't want to do a TL;DR at the end

Was jobless when AM6 ended.
In July got this crappy job that didn't pay well, I leveraged that to get the job I wanted at good pay (Local and State govt in IT). So basically I started this Govt. job in late July.
In August moved out. Moved to a more college town with hot babes (will get to this in a moment). City size: ~300k
Saved $$ and took a daygame.com boot-camp in LA in September with Andy and Martin. I will mention a few things:
1. Definitely mind opening. I did some solo one-on-one with Andy after it ended. In total probably went up to 70-90 women. Got some insta-dates but no real super-success. I attribute this to old-BS creeping in. I also was wearing an inappropriate T-Shirt (naked girls) and swim-trunks when talking to girls (I did this to prove to myself that you cant hurt your chances by doing so- which was true).
2. I met a very good friend of mine (a co-student) by doing so. He ended up moving in with me at my house.
September: Found it hard to approach/go-up-to any girls still. Very hard. In-fact I did no approaches. Thank god my friend was moving in, in October.
October-November: Best months of 2014. We went to the college every-day and went up to girls, pushed eachother. HARD. I Didn't get any success (he did- but we were on different levels to start anyway)- (When I mean success I mean lays, I did have alot of dates though). I started with big-girls. What can I say, "Started from the bottom now we're here."
Anyway, at that time working on sexualization of intrest. Not being afraid of being sexual, leading, dates and stuff.
December: The Best Month I have ever had. My friend decides hes going to live in Hawaii. So he does. I feel like shit. Its good to have someone who motivates you to push yourself.
I pay for another boot-camp. This time with Yad.
My momentum stays with me. And I still approach. I get my first Daygame lay with a chick from the University. A 6 id say. I also ask out my Barista (Just turned 18- solid 9). At this point I am learning more and more how to be sexual. What to do and not.
More often than not, you don't go for the hail-mary on the first date. Lesson learned. 1st venue is playful and non-intimate (however every-date ive been on- I have successfully made-out/ no-resistance). 2nd venue is more intimate (your sitting side-by-side), after: "hey you should come by and see my puppy" "ok". She comes over, sees my puppy, I take her for a tour. The last place... my bedroom. Bam. Kiss. Sex.
Oh so that first girl was a 6. Got the barista home on the first date (and after only the first venue- she was a horny girl. Im going to remember that girl for life, I riskly hit it raw- it worked out

Thats 2.
Went on the boot-camp. Basically just me and Yad. This sh** was crazy. Not only did I meet a ton of women it was like, I was way better than before (oh yeah and barista chick is sending me nudes... score!). I love Santa-Monica. Damn.
I get lots of insta-dates, lots of feedback and I just feel friggin awesome! Like on-fire. Boot-camp ends. I stay in Venice Beach for 3 more days. On Monday, im not really feeling it but I go up to this cute 8, she casually mentions she could go for a drink or coffee. We go for coffee. The line is long. Never-mind, we go for drinks. Long story short, I kiss her after the first venue, pull her to another then go for food. Then back to my place. First Same-day-lay. Wow. Like Wow. Mind blown.
Thats 3.
Last day, I'm in Santa-Monica. One particular girl is being a bit cold. I keep texting her. I finally get her out. We go out for food. At first not much flirting. But its me, I'm in my head. Take a couple breaths and loosen up. It works. We hit a second venue, then walk back to my car (I tell her I no longer am staying at a place because I am leaving tonight). We make-out, clothes come off. Bam.
Thats 4
And I meet a girl on Bumble on New Years eve. That one is easy, shes already to go.
Thats 5.
So alot has changed for me. I no longer am insecure about girls. If I see one, I go up to her. No questions asked. I ask her out and seal the deal.
The thing is that I am trying to figure out with EPRAH v2 is that after I came back from Santa-Monica, I don't have much of a desire for women anymore. I think it may be where I am living (the city feels too small) I'm just not that happy where I am currently living. Or I am just tired of women and would rather focus on myself. I feel as though, women are alot more work than I want to put in. I am not really sure. I would like some feedback on this (anyone have this before?)...
(I Forgot to mention... I stopped looking at porn awhile ago. My desire decreased alot but so did any depression. Depression of beautiful women- why arent any in my life etc. But I do feel alot better since Im not looking at porn)
But one thing is for sure. I broke the glass ceiling that I had for myself, I truly believed that I could not be loved or have beautiful women attracted to me. I no longer feel this way. I know that I always held the key to success in dating/sex realm.

(I think alot of guys come from the mindset that they need lines or something to get women attracted. The fact is: You don't need anything. All you need is your C**k. And now I know.)
I have done some scary stuff since then that I had fear towards: Skydiving, Karaoke and Improv comedy.
Anyway this is my journal...
First real entry:
I have been thinking of moving back to the small town I originally left (when I got the govt job). I dont have to drive 45m to home/to work every-day and have been looking forward to getting rid of alot of stuff. Alot. Its a bit weird. All I feel that I need is a place to sleep, one or two electronic devices, some books, clothing and my motorcycle.
I didn't mention this but I also bought a motorcycle. BMW K100, fixer upper. I am enjoying the process of fixing it.
I am going to take a trip this summer from Imperial Beach (San-Diego) to Vancouver BC on my motorcycle. Ride HYW 1 (PCH) all the way. Then next year I want to spend 6 months in Brazil. Maybe never come back.
I just have had this deep desire to change or keep changing. [edited as per rule 4]