man girls are staring at me like they are crazy like psychopats...
now even the younger cute ones i prefer... but man it feels initimidating..
i cant hold eye contact with them anymore they look me directly in my eyes...i just turn away automatically dont know why...(on alpha i could hold eye contact for hours...)
but some crazy shit happend... today at airport i was standing in the cafeteria with my little sister eating a banana and i was drinking a coffe. and two hot young police women (max 25) one brunette one blonde were sitting at the table next to me,and then my sister (4 years old) dropped the banana near the hot police chick and i wanted to grab it and was angry about my little sis... but then the police women started making some jokes about bananas and the similarity to penises and then we ended up talking about love and what it means to give pleasure and if its possible that men and women are just friends...
after this on my way home i thought man wtf just happend this is crazy... am i dreaming ?...
shannon what are you doing to me
now even the younger cute ones i prefer... but man it feels initimidating..
i cant hold eye contact with them anymore they look me directly in my eyes...i just turn away automatically dont know why...(on alpha i could hold eye contact for hours...)
but some crazy shit happend... today at airport i was standing in the cafeteria with my little sister eating a banana and i was drinking a coffe. and two hot young police women (max 25) one brunette one blonde were sitting at the table next to me,and then my sister (4 years old) dropped the banana near the hot police chick and i wanted to grab it and was angry about my little sis... but then the police women started making some jokes about bananas and the similarity to penises and then we ended up talking about love and what it means to give pleasure and if its possible that men and women are just friends...
after this on my way home i thought man wtf just happend this is crazy... am i dreaming ?...
shannon what are you doing to me