05-14-2015, 08:39 AM
(05-13-2015, 04:17 PM)CatMan Wrote: I am finding it really interesting that guys on WM seem to not be bothered by women mostly. This happens with all three of the big programs, AM, SM, WM, but it really seems WM is more prevalent in this issue. I think it falls in line with my "False Libido" theory. AM, SM, WM all seem to strip away the neediness, external validation, and low confidence, all 3 drive most interactions with women IMO. I notice I mostly couldn't care less about women since AM lol. I've written about it before in my journal. It's awesome, I've never felt this way since before puberty. The peace and happiness as a result is amazing. Until you hit that point, you really have NO idea how much of your identity, thoughts, feelings, are all geared towards female validation and attempts to attract them. It's amazing. That revelation alone was worth the price of the sub lol. Life is awesome, so peaceful, so simple and satisfying, their "storms" don't affect you anymore. I love it. I hope SM3 continues and enhances this.
Keep your chin up man, stage 4 begins now. I think that's where all the epic external work with women begins in WM! Get ready for action, Mr. Bond!
Thanks Catman. it does seem weird that a sub designed to attract women to you in the way WM is supposed to actually makes you end up caring less and almost to the point of not bothering. I do feel a lot more happier and content within myself because of the drop in neediness. The last few months since stage 5 of AM have made me feel really horny to the point where I was almost semi erect most of the time! The horniness dropped off briefly in Wm earlier then reared up again and now it's gone. It'll probably come back but for now I'm enjoying the peace.
I need to point out that I haven't lost my sex drive it's just that I don't feel so aggressively sexy all the time, in fact I don't feel sexy at all until I am exposed to nice women then the feelings stir but not to any great degree like before. It's like I have all that under control and if it's not convenient for me to feel this way or if I even want to then I just don't..you probably need to experience it to understand what I mean.
I'm hoping Stage 4 will start produce the goods and give me some real results to put in this journal.
Despite the lack of external changes the internal changes from when I started AM last summer to now have been really amazing. I'm so much better as a person mentally and physically. AM was good but Wm seems to bring those changes to a deeper level and enshrines them more in your psyche. The internal changes so far have been worth the money to me and any future besiegement by loads of women would make this sub priceless