09-12-2012, 01:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-12-2012, 01:45 PM by RainbowAbyss.)
I've been feeling very hermetic lately,
not in a bad way, just like there is less I am interested in,
in my own life and more I am interested in creating and or moving towards. EIP hit some hardcore resistance-vestiges of depression based in
inability and some minor friction in my sense of where I am at and belief in myself
in relation to the dissonance of who I increasingly know myself to be and what is possible.
It feels a bit like a more positive, but less negativity clearing, stage one Alpha, which is actually quite surprising to me. Sense of self belief and trust in myself and my own path are increasing, as is my confidence, and solidity in staying nonreactive to anything that's not worth focusing on.
Struggling a bit with committing and putting in the energy towards any one direction, but as inspiration increases, paths are connecting and with LM the dots seem to be lining up for me in on and off spurts of success and virtual ecstasy vs. a very minor boredom. I've always felt it was amazing to train athletes or aspiring athletes and that's how am making the majority of my money now-even if they are only in high-school
I've been meditating twice a day, Presence Process style, and the ways my childhood imprints have been running me are slowly coming into view and being responded to more and more consciously and with more active diffusion of 'charge'.
There is still some unattended to business in the past, family issues, not wanting to see my dad again, discontinued psychiatry/therapy that I am navigating around because I don't have the resources, financially , emotionally, or mentally to attend to them right now.
I'm really feeling a strong desire to be continually more creative and drop this subtle perfectionism that is increasingly obvious is just hidden resistance masquerading around.
EIP is effecting my sense of possibility and clearing way to long suppressed aspirations including
Hobbies-taking up guitar again and really wanting to start a band (I know cliche but its awesome!!)
Writing-really wanting to find some cohesive way to write both poetically and in a systemically that feels like an authentic output of my experience as well as being of potential value benefit to the reader.
Personal-being pulled more and more to doing whatever it takes to establish personal freedom AND basic independent security that is in line with my sense of life/spiritual integrity-meaning its got to feel right lol Especially as I get clearer with what is just lazy resistance in me and what is instinct and intuition.
More and more female options are coming into my life yet I just feel unavailable right now.
Also, and I'm sure this will be up for debate, but it seems more and more things don't work out when I initiate or try to create out of the blue-especially when it comes from a mental conception..but as soon as I get an opportunity, or a gut response-I can follow through with little to zero resistance from 'the world' and create real changes in my life and feedback loops that further cement in any identity change that subliminal are assisting with as well. The whole thing becomes like a cycle and is really the only time I feel like I have clarity or a sense of knowing, the rest of the time I am following principles (sense of my values), positive ritual (meditation/visualization etc.), and instinct and basically slowly moving around in the dark.
It all sounds very dramatic lol but I have this insatiable pull towards something that is very diffuse, a kind of wholeness, purpose, and place in my life that is beyond what I have grown to come to know and the lifestyle that comes with it. It feels very edgy and internal yet its so obvious to me nothing of real consequence can change in my outer circumstance unless I change before or with it. This by no means excludes taking action, but the action these days has to be sourced in something that links enjoyment with meaning..or the potential for those at the least.
not in a bad way, just like there is less I am interested in,
in my own life and more I am interested in creating and or moving towards. EIP hit some hardcore resistance-vestiges of depression based in
inability and some minor friction in my sense of where I am at and belief in myself
in relation to the dissonance of who I increasingly know myself to be and what is possible.
It feels a bit like a more positive, but less negativity clearing, stage one Alpha, which is actually quite surprising to me. Sense of self belief and trust in myself and my own path are increasing, as is my confidence, and solidity in staying nonreactive to anything that's not worth focusing on.
Struggling a bit with committing and putting in the energy towards any one direction, but as inspiration increases, paths are connecting and with LM the dots seem to be lining up for me in on and off spurts of success and virtual ecstasy vs. a very minor boredom. I've always felt it was amazing to train athletes or aspiring athletes and that's how am making the majority of my money now-even if they are only in high-school

I've been meditating twice a day, Presence Process style, and the ways my childhood imprints have been running me are slowly coming into view and being responded to more and more consciously and with more active diffusion of 'charge'.
There is still some unattended to business in the past, family issues, not wanting to see my dad again, discontinued psychiatry/therapy that I am navigating around because I don't have the resources, financially , emotionally, or mentally to attend to them right now.
I'm really feeling a strong desire to be continually more creative and drop this subtle perfectionism that is increasingly obvious is just hidden resistance masquerading around.
EIP is effecting my sense of possibility and clearing way to long suppressed aspirations including
Hobbies-taking up guitar again and really wanting to start a band (I know cliche but its awesome!!)
Writing-really wanting to find some cohesive way to write both poetically and in a systemically that feels like an authentic output of my experience as well as being of potential value benefit to the reader.
Personal-being pulled more and more to doing whatever it takes to establish personal freedom AND basic independent security that is in line with my sense of life/spiritual integrity-meaning its got to feel right lol Especially as I get clearer with what is just lazy resistance in me and what is instinct and intuition.
More and more female options are coming into my life yet I just feel unavailable right now.
Also, and I'm sure this will be up for debate, but it seems more and more things don't work out when I initiate or try to create out of the blue-especially when it comes from a mental conception..but as soon as I get an opportunity, or a gut response-I can follow through with little to zero resistance from 'the world' and create real changes in my life and feedback loops that further cement in any identity change that subliminal are assisting with as well. The whole thing becomes like a cycle and is really the only time I feel like I have clarity or a sense of knowing, the rest of the time I am following principles (sense of my values), positive ritual (meditation/visualization etc.), and instinct and basically slowly moving around in the dark.
It all sounds very dramatic lol but I have this insatiable pull towards something that is very diffuse, a kind of wholeness, purpose, and place in my life that is beyond what I have grown to come to know and the lifestyle that comes with it. It feels very edgy and internal yet its so obvious to me nothing of real consequence can change in my outer circumstance unless I change before or with it. This by no means excludes taking action, but the action these days has to be sourced in something that links enjoyment with meaning..or the potential for those at the least.
1. There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.
2. A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions... Success and failure are for him answers above all.
3. I would not know what the spirit of a philosopher might wish more then to be than a good dancer.-F.N.
2. A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions... Success and failure are for him answers above all.
3. I would not know what the spirit of a philosopher might wish more then to be than a good dancer.-F.N.