08-01-2020, 02:28 AM
Hello, first I want to apologize for my horrible grammar it's never been my strong suit. Firstly, I have been listening to the Maximum Learning Speed 5.5g for awhile. How long exactly I'm not sure, it would be over the usual three-month mark since I purchased it back in 2019 before school had started and used it for the entirety of the first semester. It worked very well. I was understanding things more clearly. However, it did have other effects that didn't involve learning. For some background information, I have been dealing with depression for years now and I have never really taken any serious action into getting better. I had given up on myself entirely. That all changed with I started listening to the subliminal. I had some issues going on with my father and he was making me miserable. Now I am not the best at explaining things, but I will try my best here. Somehow whenever I would listen to the sub (overnight while I slept) it would make my negative feelings towards the situation I had going on with my dad and tripled it. Now I'm not saying it was a bad thing. It made me finally act upon the situation instead of staying quiet and silently suffering like I always have done with everything going in my life. To avoid unnecessary details, this sort of thing kept happening. Anytime where I was in a situation with someone who was making me unhappy the subliminal would cause me to have such a strong force of sad emotions and resolve to finally cut people off. Sometimes it was overwhelming. I would just be trying to fall asleep at night and just would have this wave of emotion and break down. There would be some nights that I would just skip listening (that was after the first semester was over). In turn, I cut off all the toxic people in my life and have finally taken the steps to better my mental health. This has been the best I have felt in years. I still have a ways to go. I would say the subliminal has more of an effect on my social life and mental health than it has in terms of actual (school) learning. Now I want to succeed, I was lucky I was able to make it back into the nursing program after failing. Despite my wanting to do well so badly something is holding me back. I have been eyeing two titles: Overcoming fear 5.75g and Laser Focus and Concentration. There were/are days where I want to study so badly, but it's like I cannot focus. I will admit I have procrastination and laziness issues, at the same time I think it's linked to fear too. I have a "fear" of opening my book reading and not even able to comprehend or remember what I read. My memory issues are a whole other discussion. I've tried most things I can think of flashcards, studying in places that are not my room, etc. When I can manage to force myself to pick one of my books that is. Which I admit isn't often. I know it sounds silly, I think I'm afraid of actually succeeding. For more context, I have given up on any hobby I have ever had due to knowing that compared to someone else that it isn't good enough. I used to write poems, draw, write stories, etc now I just read fanfiction online since that doesn't involve the risk of me failing at or worse enjoying something only to be subpar at it. I want this school year to be different. I want to be the one person in class who volunteers to do everything so I can learn, not be afraid to ask questions, and ask others for help. I want to be able to sit down and study and focus without zoning out five minutes in wondering what I'm going to eat later. I don't expect the subliminal to do the work for me I just want it to be this little tool that I have that can help me (for a lack of a better word) get my butt in gear. I hope what I said makes sense and that I can get some extra insight on which subliminal would be best. Thank you for reading