11-22-2010, 06:57 PM
Don't worry about me getting enough exposure, I average from about 15 hours minimum daily, although there have been a few days though that I had about 8-9 hours. And lol, doing a second run of stage 1 of AM wasn't exactly what I had intended. I actually quit my first run of AM after it pretty much immobilized me with plenty of anxiety and constant depressive pressure etc. and started with Overcome Social Anxiety and Love And Appreciate Yourself to give myself some slack and work a little bit on some of my root issues before I started my second run again.
Being self conscious is pretty annoying, and I'm glad to have overcome it once again. I used to be very self conscious of the way I was perceived by other people, along with the way I walked. But it’s just nonsense that keeps you from just enjoying/being yourself. As long as you see that you’re the one that’s in control of your thoughts and body, it doesn’t have to take hold. When you're becoming less needy, it means that you're starting to see yourself as a high value person who is content with who he is. Neediness comes from a place of lack / loss. Definitely a step in the right direction
Yeah, Jason Statham is also one of my favorite actors, and I can only concur that Crank was a great film. Haven’t seen the expendables yet, but will definitely put it on my “have to see” movies list.
Even though I had promised myself that I would keep AM as my only subliminal, with my recent setback I really started getting annoyed with my social interactions because I knew I could do better than that, Also what’s the point of being a somewhat socially awkward Alpha?
After giving it at least a week of thought I added Overcome Social Anxiety on 20 november. My current setup is 2 x Alpha Male and 1 x OSA in a constant loop so that it doesn’t intervene to much with AM.
I noticed on the first day that something had lifted along with a feeling of euphoria, second day I already noticed a strong decline in feeling out of my place when in public places, which was the whole purpose of adding this sub again. So I’m glad that the sub it’s doing it’s purpose and that it didn’t take much time to get there again. I also have to say that my positive mood became more engrained than before. With Stage 2 (I’m now on day 6) I’m noticing I’m becoming more decisive, and I tend to become more questionable about certain subjects, perhaps a little bit more towards the direction of paranoid. This has helped me drop some unsollicitated theories about pickup theory and human psychology and some other miscellaneous stuff including subliminals and placebo related stuff. I’m also noticing that like spiral and a few others that I’m becoming less needy, and I’m pretty prone on catching myself in the act whenever I’m on auto pilot.
When I woke up yesterday, the first thing that caught my attention was the way I viewed taking action, my perspective became very strong on the emphasis words are only words, it’s the actions that you take that truly matters, decisions define people, make them more alive. And people aren’t going to know you from the things that you didn’t do. I think I really get it now. Today I picked up on a couple of tasks I still had lying around since my “setback”, and will continue on doing so tomorrow.
My sleeping rhythm is currently not great, I started sleeping around 4 am the last couple of days while waking up at noonish, and today won’t be any different (as I gaze towards my clock) I think. After using the insomnia aid for over a month I can conclude that it stopped doing what it’s meant to do, and it only slightly relaxes me now, and importantly keeps me centered the next day (which is my only motive for continue on using it).
I’ve also been experimenting around with melatonin for over a week (I believe), and I had a couple of groggy days, but the worst seems to be over now. I think it has to do with that I’m in more of a positive mood now, than a couple of years before I first took melatonin. This also isn’t a particular definitive sleeping aid for me, but it does make me a little bit more sleepy and it’s a natural chemical so I can only benefit from using it. Still have to keep on looking for other sleep remedies I believe...
I also noticed the last couple of days that my feelings today were going along the direction of being very loving and kind towards all things, I’ve noticed this before with the subliminals but it remains a “weird” effect. It always seemed hard for me to be so loving about people and things, but it feels pretty great feeling grateful for things again.
Don't worry about me getting enough exposure, I average from about 15 hours minimum daily, although there have been a few days though that I had about 8-9 hours. And lol, doing a second run of stage 1 of AM wasn't exactly what I had intended. I actually quit my first run of AM after it pretty much immobilized me with plenty of anxiety and constant depressive pressure etc. and started with Overcome Social Anxiety and Love And Appreciate Yourself to give myself some slack and work a little bit on some of my root issues before I started my second run again.
Being self conscious is pretty annoying, and I'm glad to have overcome it once again. I used to be very self conscious of the way I was perceived by other people, along with the way I walked. But it’s just nonsense that keeps you from just enjoying/being yourself. As long as you see that you’re the one that’s in control of your thoughts and body, it doesn’t have to take hold. When you're becoming less needy, it means that you're starting to see yourself as a high value person who is content with who he is. Neediness comes from a place of lack / loss. Definitely a step in the right direction

Yeah, Jason Statham is also one of my favorite actors, and I can only concur that Crank was a great film. Haven’t seen the expendables yet, but will definitely put it on my “have to see” movies list.
Even though I had promised myself that I would keep AM as my only subliminal, with my recent setback I really started getting annoyed with my social interactions because I knew I could do better than that, Also what’s the point of being a somewhat socially awkward Alpha?

I noticed on the first day that something had lifted along with a feeling of euphoria, second day I already noticed a strong decline in feeling out of my place when in public places, which was the whole purpose of adding this sub again. So I’m glad that the sub it’s doing it’s purpose and that it didn’t take much time to get there again. I also have to say that my positive mood became more engrained than before. With Stage 2 (I’m now on day 6) I’m noticing I’m becoming more decisive, and I tend to become more questionable about certain subjects, perhaps a little bit more towards the direction of paranoid. This has helped me drop some unsollicitated theories about pickup theory and human psychology and some other miscellaneous stuff including subliminals and placebo related stuff. I’m also noticing that like spiral and a few others that I’m becoming less needy, and I’m pretty prone on catching myself in the act whenever I’m on auto pilot.
When I woke up yesterday, the first thing that caught my attention was the way I viewed taking action, my perspective became very strong on the emphasis words are only words, it’s the actions that you take that truly matters, decisions define people, make them more alive. And people aren’t going to know you from the things that you didn’t do. I think I really get it now. Today I picked up on a couple of tasks I still had lying around since my “setback”, and will continue on doing so tomorrow.
My sleeping rhythm is currently not great, I started sleeping around 4 am the last couple of days while waking up at noonish, and today won’t be any different (as I gaze towards my clock) I think. After using the insomnia aid for over a month I can conclude that it stopped doing what it’s meant to do, and it only slightly relaxes me now, and importantly keeps me centered the next day (which is my only motive for continue on using it).
I’ve also been experimenting around with melatonin for over a week (I believe), and I had a couple of groggy days, but the worst seems to be over now. I think it has to do with that I’m in more of a positive mood now, than a couple of years before I first took melatonin. This also isn’t a particular definitive sleeping aid for me, but it does make me a little bit more sleepy and it’s a natural chemical so I can only benefit from using it. Still have to keep on looking for other sleep remedies I believe...
I also noticed the last couple of days that my feelings today were going along the direction of being very loving and kind towards all things, I’ve noticed this before with the subliminals but it remains a “weird” effect. It always seemed hard for me to be so loving about people and things, but it feels pretty great feeling grateful for things again.