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I have been listening to this sub for about a month now. I have experienced some results but not quite what I was looking for. Perhaps not yet, anyway.
Shannon, can you throw me a bone here? hehe, pun intended.
Any clue as to the mindset that this sub produces? True, the optimus engine scripts are trade secret, but I am hoping to learn more about some of the affirmations. I am interested in the intricacies of the script and what I can expect for results.
1) How do I know its working without having sex?
2) What kind of person will I become and what values will I have gained?
3) Does this sub affect my penis at all? (harder, healthier, better self image of my penis, less sensitive, etc?)
4) How does this sub affect my attitude toward sex?
5) Will it make me more aggressive in the bedroom?
6) Does it address the "I cum when she says shes about to cum" problem that guys have?
There is so much documentation about AM6, for example. For this: hardly anything - and I only was able to fine one other testimonial for the 5G version. Saddening for a $90 sub.
I have been keeping a journal on my phone. I will release it once things start to really pick up and I believe learning more about the script / mindset the script produces will help me get there. The BIGGEST thing I have noticed so far is decreased anxiety towards the thought of sex, and my memories of cuming quickly have less (if any) anxiety tied to them anymore. Sadly I have not been able to actually test for any results yet. Just moved across country. After some time, if things work out, I am happy to supply a testimonial to be added to the product page.
Thanks in advanced Shannon
Scroll down for Journal
I have been listening to this sub for about a month now. I have experienced some results but not quite what I was looking for. Perhaps not yet, anyway.
Shannon, can you throw me a bone here? hehe, pun intended.
Any clue as to the mindset that this sub produces? True, the optimus engine scripts are trade secret, but I am hoping to learn more about some of the affirmations. I am interested in the intricacies of the script and what I can expect for results.
1) How do I know its working without having sex?
2) What kind of person will I become and what values will I have gained?
3) Does this sub affect my penis at all? (harder, healthier, better self image of my penis, less sensitive, etc?)
4) How does this sub affect my attitude toward sex?
5) Will it make me more aggressive in the bedroom?
6) Does it address the "I cum when she says shes about to cum" problem that guys have?
There is so much documentation about AM6, for example. For this: hardly anything - and I only was able to fine one other testimonial for the 5G version. Saddening for a $90 sub.
I have been keeping a journal on my phone. I will release it once things start to really pick up and I believe learning more about the script / mindset the script produces will help me get there. The BIGGEST thing I have noticed so far is decreased anxiety towards the thought of sex, and my memories of cuming quickly have less (if any) anxiety tied to them anymore. Sadly I have not been able to actually test for any results yet. Just moved across country. After some time, if things work out, I am happy to supply a testimonial to be added to the product page.
Thanks in advanced Shannon