03-29-2013, 05:06 PM
Hey Mat good to meet you finally. I enjoy reading your posts, you are very good at writing.
I wanted to ask you, you mentioned you are trying to get rid of approach anxiety and alot of people have been telling you its not possible to remove it completely. Well how much anxiety do you have? 10/10 being the most.
See, im average looking, 22 yo and 5'10 190 lb. average everything.
Before i started hitting the gym i had anxiety level 9/10, i mean the thought of going up to a girl was terrifying because i thought i have nothing to offer her and she would just be bored.
Well the gym has changed all that, decreased my anxiety to about 4/10, but there is still the fact that i dont know how to banter or small talk and that makes it higher again.
Its like this. Approaching a girl is still sketchy, but i can do it because once i am already talking to her im already comfortable, and that makes me ignore my anxiety. That would not be possible if i had no muscle though, as they love that sort of thing.
They will never admit it, but they are just as shallow as men lol.
They are just very good at hiding it, and their subtilty makes it hard to spot their admiration, but its there. Most women cant do anything about it, they just stare. Cant control themselves, its like they are programmed to find a built frame attractive. They will even deny it with every fiber of their being as not to come off as shallow, but those words mean nothing as you catch them staring numerous time like a fat kid looks at cake. lol
What im getting at is, have you ever thought about going aesthetic?
I dont know if you own a gym membership already or know what aesthetic means but if you dont just google "aesthetic crew" or something with aesthetic and fitness.
And another thing, im pretty sure you used confidence subs before but Asc 5g has helped me amazingly, its been only 16 days and i can talk to the most beautiful girls like ive known them for years already.
The 4 day on the sub, i walk in the gym feeling good, and a girl that has worked there before but havent seen her in a few weeks is at the front entrance counter where you sign in. As i walk in, smooth and calm, she says "And how are you?" with a huge smile, this girl has a very cute face and a body of a goddess. Before i realized what happened, as im typing in code for the fingerprint machine to go in, i make a "not bad' face and smoothly ask her where she went for the last couple weeks, this girl gets a bit nervous as i start chatting her up and shes telling me details about everything she did. I mean this kind of girl doesnt get nervous very often, and it was most definitely body language showing disinterest and to my James Bond vibe. Asc brought out what was hidden inside me in only a few days.
Girls stand near the entrance waiting for me for 20 min(pretending to actually be interested in talking with the front desk employees while following me out and basically following me right beside me)
IOIs the whole time, walking in front of me a number of times, when its easier and closer to walk another route, getting on the machine beside me, and in front of me time after time. I give them subtle smiles and looks but never engage the first few times i see them, i let them simmer for a few days or weeks as i love doing that, they eventually approach me so directly it sometimes surprises me.
Picture this, every guy staring at her nonstop while shes working out, but only a few guys me included dont stare like a bunch of dogs and just displaying high value by not staring at everyone all the time, just laid back and not caring about anyones presence or what anybody thinks.
They love that so much they can help but to come up and say hi.
Ahh Shannon is awesome isnt he lol
I wanted to ask you, you mentioned you are trying to get rid of approach anxiety and alot of people have been telling you its not possible to remove it completely. Well how much anxiety do you have? 10/10 being the most.
See, im average looking, 22 yo and 5'10 190 lb. average everything.
Before i started hitting the gym i had anxiety level 9/10, i mean the thought of going up to a girl was terrifying because i thought i have nothing to offer her and she would just be bored.
Well the gym has changed all that, decreased my anxiety to about 4/10, but there is still the fact that i dont know how to banter or small talk and that makes it higher again.
Its like this. Approaching a girl is still sketchy, but i can do it because once i am already talking to her im already comfortable, and that makes me ignore my anxiety. That would not be possible if i had no muscle though, as they love that sort of thing.
They will never admit it, but they are just as shallow as men lol.
They are just very good at hiding it, and their subtilty makes it hard to spot their admiration, but its there. Most women cant do anything about it, they just stare. Cant control themselves, its like they are programmed to find a built frame attractive. They will even deny it with every fiber of their being as not to come off as shallow, but those words mean nothing as you catch them staring numerous time like a fat kid looks at cake. lol
What im getting at is, have you ever thought about going aesthetic?
I dont know if you own a gym membership already or know what aesthetic means but if you dont just google "aesthetic crew" or something with aesthetic and fitness.
And another thing, im pretty sure you used confidence subs before but Asc 5g has helped me amazingly, its been only 16 days and i can talk to the most beautiful girls like ive known them for years already.
The 4 day on the sub, i walk in the gym feeling good, and a girl that has worked there before but havent seen her in a few weeks is at the front entrance counter where you sign in. As i walk in, smooth and calm, she says "And how are you?" with a huge smile, this girl has a very cute face and a body of a goddess. Before i realized what happened, as im typing in code for the fingerprint machine to go in, i make a "not bad' face and smoothly ask her where she went for the last couple weeks, this girl gets a bit nervous as i start chatting her up and shes telling me details about everything she did. I mean this kind of girl doesnt get nervous very often, and it was most definitely body language showing disinterest and to my James Bond vibe. Asc brought out what was hidden inside me in only a few days.
Girls stand near the entrance waiting for me for 20 min(pretending to actually be interested in talking with the front desk employees while following me out and basically following me right beside me)
IOIs the whole time, walking in front of me a number of times, when its easier and closer to walk another route, getting on the machine beside me, and in front of me time after time. I give them subtle smiles and looks but never engage the first few times i see them, i let them simmer for a few days or weeks as i love doing that, they eventually approach me so directly it sometimes surprises me.
Picture this, every guy staring at her nonstop while shes working out, but only a few guys me included dont stare like a bunch of dogs and just displaying high value by not staring at everyone all the time, just laid back and not caring about anyones presence or what anybody thinks.
They love that so much they can help but to come up and say hi.
Ahh Shannon is awesome isnt he lol
Revel in the chaos brethren, for this too shall pass.
This is what girls who squat look like
This is what girls who squat look like
