06-04-2016, 12:05 AM
(06-03-2016, 06:28 PM)RTBoss Wrote: Went to the store tonight for beer and bread. I ran into one of my wife's coworkers, and her husband. When I go to my wife's holiday parties, these are the people I LOVE to hang with.
Apparently this coworker texted my wife (who was at work) that she ran into me. On my wife's way home, she called me. I was literally just about to tell her I ran into her coworker & family and she tells me that they ran into me in the grocery.
Wife: "My coworker *name* said she saw you at the store."
Me: "Yeah, I was just about to tell you that, why did she text you immediately?"
Wife: "She was saying how cute our son is, it had nothing to do with YOU, that's for sure!"
Wife: "Why were you at the store?"
Me: "Bread and beer!"
Wife: "Why do we need beer!?"
Me: (teasing) "Because it's one of my five food groups!"
Wife: (annoyed) "Okkkaaaay."
Me: (annoyed at the response) "Okaaaaay."
Wife: "Why do you mock me, blah!!!"
Me: "I don't wanna fight, see you." ::click::
She got home, huge fight. Screaming, etc. I don't know WTF is going on. She got in my face and everything. I walked away and she stalked after me. It upset my boy, as it should. I hate it when we fight in front of him.
If I've had ONE beer, I'm the enemy in an argument. We had problems in the past with my behavior after drinking to black out levels, which I'm not doing anymore and haven't for IDK how long. But no matter her passive aggressive ***** tone-of-voice she used with me on the phone! No, I'm the asshole (she starts calling me names). Because I "mocked her" on the phone, I started everything (after her smart ass tone-of-voice and comment about how her coworker certainly wasn't texting b/c she saw me!). Meanwhile, I can't have a beer like a normal person without her getting passive aggressive, or trying to make me feel like a bad person.
So the rundown:
- She worked all day.
- I worked at home, outside in the yard, and had the kid all day.
- I bought beer and saw her friend.
- She got mad at me for having beer and said her friend texting her had "nothing to do with me."
- She gets snotty and passive aggressive on the phone, which I mock.
- I hang up on her, essentially.
- She gets home and rides my ass.
- She raises her voice first, calls me names first, but I'm the "drunk" after having one beer b/c I mocked her.
- She gets in my face, continues the names, and then I get mad.
Clearly, it takes two to tango. I don't know what's going on - whether she had a bad day at work, still has issues with our past, is reacting to my sexy aura in a jealous-type-way, I don't know.
Sorry, guys, it's not all roses today!![]()
Other things I noticed today: Woke up exhausted. I listened to the Ocean masked track in .FLAC overnight with my new "Cozy Phones," which are like Sleep Phones, but cheaper with a headband that won't make me sweat.
Because I woke up exhausted, after working and mowing I napped while my son napped. 2.5 hours!
That's all for now.
(PS - I mentioned this on someone else's journal - no urge to beat the meat, for whatever reason. Also, no nocturnal wood last night. Dreams, but once again, can't remember them.)
Willing to bet money her friend said something about you, which got her seriously threatened somehow. From the situation you described, the reaction from her is WAY out of proportion. I can virtually guarantee the friend said something about how you've changed and look amazing, very impressed by you and said all of it innocently to your wife and boom, massive drama for you.
Dude, I don't know if you should keep using that sub. Causing issues like this in the homestead could be intense and not worth it. And I agree, it's a shame the boy ends up in the middle.
For single guys that's one thing, AOSI and subs like it should be fine. For guys who are married, a massive change in a guy and making him extremely more sexually attractive than he was previously, would likely obviously cause serious issues in an already established relationship.
Tread carefully, my friend. Becoming TOO sexy can have a price to pay!