05-24-2021, 12:23 PM
(05-24-2021, 07:04 AM)RTBoss Wrote: Wow, the forum is suddenly brimming with activity! Go OFv3!
Kudos to @CatMan for getting the ball rollin' on this one! Good job, pal.
And thank GOODNESS for OFv3. Seriously, I had the craziest day yesterday. I mean, a life lesson kind of day. Shit went down, and instead of losing my ever-lovin' mind, I maintained my composure and flowed with it. Absolutely amazing. Learning lessons without fear attached is priceless.
Did I experience fear? Yes - for about 15 seconds. Those 15 seconds were pure panic, and as fast as it appeared, it disappeared. It was replaced with calm relaxation. Then another wave of fear would appear, and last for less time. This happened maybe 3 or 4 times, and then it was gone. Unbe-frickin'-lievable. Un-frickin'-believable? Lol, anyway...
STOKED.If this program is THIS GOOD already, I can't wait to see how much is going to be changing over the run.
@Shannon AMAZING work. Everything you've been saying about fear is now coming to pass. Congrats to you, and to everyone who stayed the course and is reaping the reward.
Ding dang Man!! Slamma-lamma-ding-dong!! dayumm sam...this is amazing RT!! The Masters from the Far East from ages ago, and still recent speak of achieving such levels of " Awareness" snd such "Being-ness"..being a state of greater awareness,unphased and related.
Shucks Its all I can do not to pull the trigger and order this puppy flat out. Alas I've waited this long for UMSv2,I deep dive with a pre order on wednesday asap. as I said before I wish Shannon could load the whole ding dang OFv3 into UMSv2 but I know thats not 'the way" nor the way its gonna go,but again FRM 5.0 will be in it thank Goodness.
I"ve told Shannon before,I dont know if you know what you've done with finding the ways to create a OFv3 after years and years of R &D,on the subject but unless the Egyptian had such 'er were given such knowledge to them from the star 'folks' from beyound,then the world hasnt seen such technological abilities before this,not like this,in this format.... press a button,click on a click and da way ya go!! its just Phe-nominal Man.
More Fear Less Power to Ya RT.
OH and he's one for the little guy in your family,who likes to tell jokes.
" whaddah ya calla Cow with no legs? Ground Beef!" Ha ha. yuk yuk yuk. ( 3 stooges, Curley)
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"