Hi everyone.
First of all, I'll let you know that I'm not a valid test user, because from my work, I'm required to use other mind programming tools and techniques, daily. Anyway, I certainly won't request any refund of this program, because I have no doubt it's amazing. In fact, I believe it was TID from this program what guided me to buy it.
I already have been working a lot for my success on the last few years, by the way. Including running BASE 2 four times in a row with no delay in between. I faced and resolved a lot of inner issues and blockages I had for being successful. I struggled a lot, but I could overcome a lot also.
I've been listening to the five loops while in bed, in ultrasonic format, at sleep time. This is the summary of my observations so far:
DAY 1:
Huge insomnia... unable to fall asleep with it
This happened to me a few times also when starting MLS, the first time I used the program, and on the second one I used it after long time without using it. I got surprisingly VERY HOT, and that made it harder to fall asleep. It's like this audio also causes my aura to fire? I didn't expect that from USLM. That night I ended up sleeping like two hours and a half in total, then needing to sleep more in the morning to compensate for that.
During the day, I noticed an improvement in what I believed I could succeed with. Many things I wanted to improve at for ages, felt much more achievable now. Also I saw a change in the way I saw recent things, which I would see as possibly not good then, or empty and meaningless at the most... I was seeing them as good for success, seeing a possibility I certainly hadn't considered before, the outcome of which will be very good (sexually related, this is the NSFW forum section, so I'll say it's about achieving dry orgasms, longer and being multi-orgasmic). Yes, I can achieve even that
Two clients who purchased products from me before, inquired about ordering again from me... This is looking good, hehe
Yet it feels normal, as if meant to be, I already knew it would be like this. And also I knew this is just the start, and it will get waaay better, maybe with some bumps, but it will be great over time. I got a few small good ideas to improve my products, I know more will come.
I noticed a possible improvement on the relationship with my gf, but still too soon and small to conclude this. I also have been improving on this area of my life a lot over the years. Not as much as you lucky guys with no gf but DMSI
DAYS 2-3:
I could sleep faster this time, it only took an hour and a half to two hours or so. Acceptable. I slept super well, from how tired I was. I didn't notice my aura firing as strongly, but when I woke up several times during the night, I was sweating on each.
My relationship with my gf is improving for real, even I woke up with concerns it had gone backwards... I dealt with it quite well, and the improvement noticeable advanced after that, and the concerns fully went away. What's happening is I was coming up since yesterday (day 1), and almost impulsively, with a facet of me that I'd previously keep just to myself, in concerns that my gf might not like. I was holding back about sharing to her my tastes for sexy lingerie. It's something we didn't do much of, and I knew there was a lot to experience in that sense, yet we hadn't been facing it much. To my partial surprise, my doubts proved invalid, and she loved it all, hehehe
She's not ready for all kinds, but we'll get there, hahaha, of course, this is just a process, right? 
One of the clients who had contacted me yesterday, already purchased from me, and paid in advance before delivery. This means I've already earned with extra money, half of the price of this program. Not bad, huh?
And I've been more productive today, I made more with my time with less excuses and less negative feelings (from partly subconscious doubts)... they didn't have much power, and they didn't last much. Action and clear thought helped on it, but also obviously this program did, because I'm very used to this kinds of limitations in me, and this time they were easier to deal with, with no extra conscious effort from my part for it.
Stay tuned for more udpates!
First of all, I'll let you know that I'm not a valid test user, because from my work, I'm required to use other mind programming tools and techniques, daily. Anyway, I certainly won't request any refund of this program, because I have no doubt it's amazing. In fact, I believe it was TID from this program what guided me to buy it.
I already have been working a lot for my success on the last few years, by the way. Including running BASE 2 four times in a row with no delay in between. I faced and resolved a lot of inner issues and blockages I had for being successful. I struggled a lot, but I could overcome a lot also.
I've been listening to the five loops while in bed, in ultrasonic format, at sleep time. This is the summary of my observations so far:
DAY 1:
Huge insomnia... unable to fall asleep with it

During the day, I noticed an improvement in what I believed I could succeed with. Many things I wanted to improve at for ages, felt much more achievable now. Also I saw a change in the way I saw recent things, which I would see as possibly not good then, or empty and meaningless at the most... I was seeing them as good for success, seeing a possibility I certainly hadn't considered before, the outcome of which will be very good (sexually related, this is the NSFW forum section, so I'll say it's about achieving dry orgasms, longer and being multi-orgasmic). Yes, I can achieve even that

Two clients who purchased products from me before, inquired about ordering again from me... This is looking good, hehe

I noticed a possible improvement on the relationship with my gf, but still too soon and small to conclude this. I also have been improving on this area of my life a lot over the years. Not as much as you lucky guys with no gf but DMSI

DAYS 2-3:
I could sleep faster this time, it only took an hour and a half to two hours or so. Acceptable. I slept super well, from how tired I was. I didn't notice my aura firing as strongly, but when I woke up several times during the night, I was sweating on each.
My relationship with my gf is improving for real, even I woke up with concerns it had gone backwards... I dealt with it quite well, and the improvement noticeable advanced after that, and the concerns fully went away. What's happening is I was coming up since yesterday (day 1), and almost impulsively, with a facet of me that I'd previously keep just to myself, in concerns that my gf might not like. I was holding back about sharing to her my tastes for sexy lingerie. It's something we didn't do much of, and I knew there was a lot to experience in that sense, yet we hadn't been facing it much. To my partial surprise, my doubts proved invalid, and she loved it all, hehehe

One of the clients who had contacted me yesterday, already purchased from me, and paid in advance before delivery. This means I've already earned with extra money, half of the price of this program. Not bad, huh?

And I've been more productive today, I made more with my time with less excuses and less negative feelings (from partly subconscious doubts)... they didn't have much power, and they didn't last much. Action and clear thought helped on it, but also obviously this program did, because I'm very used to this kinds of limitations in me, and this time they were easier to deal with, with no extra conscious effort from my part for it.
Stay tuned for more udpates!