02-06-2016, 03:57 AM
Listening to a sex magnet sub and being in a high populated area with students or women who frequent the area a lot is going to give the user a much much different experience then if he lived in isolation and never went out to the city/bars/clubs etc.
It's easy to say the subs not working but you need to figure out why
In minititans case he was in university/college which meant he would be around lots of females who go there including students who are experimenting and are more up for socialising and going out on the town.
If you sit in a shrub, in the middle of a field away from all civilisation you will experience delerium "ooh did that ladybug glance over at me?!...better report it to subliminal forums.."
Okay that was exaggerated but you get the idea. Go out into cities and areas where women frequent!