03-03-2019, 11:16 PM
I am back to the 4 days training. The 2 days off were smooth contrary to the days off with LTU 4. During the days off with LTU 4 I was feeling like an addict who needs his dose, it was rough
With LTU 5, the transition has been very smooth and feeling good. But I am happy to listen to it again.
After one month of using LTU 4 and then LTU 5, I have been able to kick out one habit that I wanted to stop but did not have the will : I stopped drinking totally alcohol, not a drop
I did not want to tell it on the forum at first as I wanted to be sure of that. The first week of LTU 4 I strangely increased my intake of alcohol. But the second week I drastically reduced this consumption and I did not enjoy drinking anymore but I increased water... Then with LTU 5 I don't feel any cravings for alcohol, I even don't think of it anymore. I was not a big consumer of alcohol, drinking only at night for appetizer and diner but I felt that I had to stop as soon as possible. I started to drink 3 years ago and during these 3 years I told myself I have to stop, but I could not. In one month I could
Thanks Shannon ! !

After one month of using LTU 4 and then LTU 5, I have been able to kick out one habit that I wanted to stop but did not have the will : I stopped drinking totally alcohol, not a drop