More Day 1 Observations
Whoaaaaa alright this is getting freaky. I like it though. But my world as I had observed it has been shattered. Is there a reason for only looping 4 times per day? I've honestly lost track of how many times I've looped it today. Could be 4, could be 6.
I'm gaining a sense of power, a sense of awareness. I almost feel angry... at the discovery of what it is truly like to see the world for what it is and people for who they are... yet I am not angry because I am not surprised. I knew all along. The world I come to recognize is becoming more 3 dimensional. Things are connecting for me, as I see now they were always connected but I acted in a way that I chose to accept only what I wanted to make real, instead of accept what is the truth.
This MLS is some deep shit.
I'm starting to read Robert Greene's 48 laws of power and doing some research into Machiavellianism.
I feel a tingling in my back as if I have invisible wings. This is getting really weird.
Enhanced desire to workout and have a healthy body. I started analyzing my diet. I have more motivation to prepare food --> I'm normally super bad about this and I hate making food. Enhanced desire to do more. To be better. To be the best. To make the most out of my physical and immediate resources and to contemplate my social net worth as well as my available social resources. Enhanced realization that humans are animals, albeit highly adapted and adaptable animals, who have basic needs of survival and reproduction.
Whoaaaaa alright this is getting freaky. I like it though. But my world as I had observed it has been shattered. Is there a reason for only looping 4 times per day? I've honestly lost track of how many times I've looped it today. Could be 4, could be 6.
I'm gaining a sense of power, a sense of awareness. I almost feel angry... at the discovery of what it is truly like to see the world for what it is and people for who they are... yet I am not angry because I am not surprised. I knew all along. The world I come to recognize is becoming more 3 dimensional. Things are connecting for me, as I see now they were always connected but I acted in a way that I chose to accept only what I wanted to make real, instead of accept what is the truth.
This MLS is some deep shit.
I'm starting to read Robert Greene's 48 laws of power and doing some research into Machiavellianism.
I feel a tingling in my back as if I have invisible wings. This is getting really weird.
Enhanced desire to workout and have a healthy body. I started analyzing my diet. I have more motivation to prepare food --> I'm normally super bad about this and I hate making food. Enhanced desire to do more. To be better. To be the best. To make the most out of my physical and immediate resources and to contemplate my social net worth as well as my available social resources. Enhanced realization that humans are animals, albeit highly adapted and adaptable animals, who have basic needs of survival and reproduction.