10-08-2012, 03:02 PM
(10-08-2012, 07:23 AM)Spiral Wrote: From my experience... when I ignored others out of fear... those people thought I was a total ass hole. Sounds like you're making good progress my friend.
Well... I am a total asshole.
But I'm either an asshole who's on your side, or I'm an asshole who's going to urinate a few inches away from you while you're dying of thirst.
I must be making progress, because after avoiding such silliness I managed to alienate a potential ally, and drew the ire of one of the people I cannot stand... Loathe her actually.
Ah well, no use crying over spilled intestines.
It was a minor petty little thing, and although my attitude was total "F U" I managed to keep a civil tone about me. Which the woman I despise did not.
I rarely if ever need a reason to get into a fight, and backing down especially when I am in the wrong is very tough for me. I particularly hate social game playing, but the older I get the more I realize that it is a human survival trait/skill.
If anything I need to learn how to disengage more often.
On the positive side one of the principle "ice queens" actually initiate a pleasant conversation with me.
C'est la merde.