(07-11-2015, 01:48 PM)heavysm Wrote: From what you say it appears you just haven't found your market to concentrate on. If that sounds a little vague, I mean that you haven't found a market to create a product/service within thereby solving a need.
I can see how you reached that conclusion, but I don't think that's the case. /You still gave me 1-2 good ideas though, thanks for that.

I have found a market, a few markets actually. If "chasing the shiny" was what tipped you off, what I was actually referring to was something different.
I used to make a very decent sum of money with SEO before I somehow got into my head, that what I was doing was "bad". When I did that (and few of my former closest people were more than willing to reinforce that mindset), I lost my edge and looking back, it was only a matter of time for things to go downhill.
I'm getting it back now, remembering what I did right and fixing what could be improved. I was lying through my teeth about what I was selling (herbal supplements, you know the kind

Again, though, I appreciate the help. Always nice to hear from someone, who's earning money with SEO/online marketing.