(04-14-2015, 05:12 PM)Shannon Wrote: And how would you say your growth or progress feels overall, looking back?
Well, it feels like a quantum leap. I'm just having difficulty determining how much to attribute to BASE. I've always used emotional clearing techniques such as EFT, Sedona Method, etc. It also always felt more or less like a quantum leap when I've looked back six months in the past to determine progress.
With that said, I have to say that I can see significant improvements in around 50% of what was promised, with some other 15-20% being already at a pretty high level, by my estimation. The latter group still got a boost, as far as I can tell, but it's hard to evaluate it when my point of reference is not that high.
The biggest change, definitely, was in terms of networking, motivation, goal orientation and action orientation. They were definitely pretty low when I started. Right now, there are either in the "moderate" or "moderate to high" category easily. This resulted in more external changes in my life than... probably the last 2-3 years combined. That takes the form of new social circles, an increasing quality of romantic interests and involvement in all kinds of social events, that can help me meed challenging people. I definitely wouldn't have expected that to happen to such extent, not in the first six months of BASE.
I understand that the nature of the subliminal is to help you make money, and that's why a lot of people will probably evaluate it based on that. I, on the other hand, seem to speak of all kinds of improvements apart from actual earned money. I believe the stage for making money is set, to a large extent. Still, projects do take a lot of time to launch, and trial and error costs time as well.
I do notice a lot of fear of being rich, though. The last time I was earning enough money to be considered rich, I remember feeling quite guilty interacting with friends who weren't. I always felt they envied me. Even tried to help 3 or 4 of them learn to make money, just so I can relieve some guilt, it was that bad. Not that it helped much, in any regard.