I have decided its enough of trying to get laid and focus on finding a wife. This will be my Journal for it. Will probably be updating only once in a while... but mainly to keep me focused

Main Reasons:
The country I'm from as well as the race i belong to... Its normal n expected to get married ard late 20s or latest early 30s. If not my parents will end up trying to matchmake / arrange marriage for me which they are already considering behind the scenes. The pressuress really gonna start heating up within a year considering that most of my friends are married
So i have 2 choices... Find someone i really like (which is not easy since im quite picky) or settle for someone my parent chooses (its okay if shes attractive n we get along... but not really keen on spending my life with someone based on my parents judgement if we have no chemistry).. My sister went thru thi n all i can see is a loveless marriage between 2 ppl who were fixed to be married by their parents because it was time to get married... I'm planning on avoiding this
This is why i chose on the attract wife instead of lover programs.. No time to fug around.. Its time to control my fate instead of leaving it to my parents
Day 1: played ultrasonic the prev whole night... only to realise the following day that my speakers only can play up to 18KHZ... What a waste.. So redid the following night using the tricking water mp3
Experience... 2 dreams i can recollect.. all wierd.... one was seeing my friends photo in the obituary section of the papers only to be told by his wife that hes not dead n just that hes quite sick... but in real life hes perfectly fine
another dream was me going for a hynosis session in a hospital... the hypno-theraphists assistant was mean n verbally rude plus tried to hurt me with a hot iron... ended with the doctor putting his hand over my face telling me to shut down while i was crying during the session i think... dunno why... thats all i can remember
day 2 : purchased a Logitech speaker which can play up to 20Mhz today. Will give the ultrasonic a try tonight

Main Reasons:
The country I'm from as well as the race i belong to... Its normal n expected to get married ard late 20s or latest early 30s. If not my parents will end up trying to matchmake / arrange marriage for me which they are already considering behind the scenes. The pressuress really gonna start heating up within a year considering that most of my friends are married
So i have 2 choices... Find someone i really like (which is not easy since im quite picky) or settle for someone my parent chooses (its okay if shes attractive n we get along... but not really keen on spending my life with someone based on my parents judgement if we have no chemistry).. My sister went thru thi n all i can see is a loveless marriage between 2 ppl who were fixed to be married by their parents because it was time to get married... I'm planning on avoiding this
This is why i chose on the attract wife instead of lover programs.. No time to fug around.. Its time to control my fate instead of leaving it to my parents
Day 1: played ultrasonic the prev whole night... only to realise the following day that my speakers only can play up to 18KHZ... What a waste.. So redid the following night using the tricking water mp3
Experience... 2 dreams i can recollect.. all wierd.... one was seeing my friends photo in the obituary section of the papers only to be told by his wife that hes not dead n just that hes quite sick... but in real life hes perfectly fine
another dream was me going for a hynosis session in a hospital... the hypno-theraphists assistant was mean n verbally rude plus tried to hurt me with a hot iron... ended with the doctor putting his hand over my face telling me to shut down while i was crying during the session i think... dunno why... thats all i can remember
day 2 : purchased a Logitech speaker which can play up to 20Mhz today. Will give the ultrasonic a try tonight