07-02-2010, 09:24 AM
Many of you know me, many more don't. I'll spare you the details and bullshit about my life, but I am JunkyFungus, a man, a myth and certainly a legend to some. For what reasons shall remain legendary mythical for now
I've been meaning to test out some of Shannon's subs for quite some time now, but life keeps getting in the way. I absolutely believe in subs and have used some others for a while. Some were successful and others not. There's one in particular that will remain a secret between Shannon and I that I use to incredible success. Thanks for that sir...
Recently WildFlower acquired me some and needless to say a SUPER THANKS to you for that. Your generosity and kindness is instrumental in getting me here and using these remarkable proven tools for change. It's only been a few days now since I started using the Aura of Sexiness but already I can feel and see changes. Now I certainly can't equate them all to the subs and believe they are a combined effort with the other changes I have made in my life, but all the same they are working.
I've been using Aura of Sexiness for three days about 8-12 hours a day on iTunes while working. Sometimes I use the waves when I am having a particularly rough spot, but mostly I have the silent one looping in the background.
Good things are happening and I can feel it, but not quite put my finger on it yet. I'll keep this journal and let you all know of my progress. I'll also start integrating it with my mind-machine for quicker results. Time is a big factor in my life, since I made some changes there just never seems to be enough of it. I'm sure there's a sub for that too-LOL
Thanks and keep reading

I've been meaning to test out some of Shannon's subs for quite some time now, but life keeps getting in the way. I absolutely believe in subs and have used some others for a while. Some were successful and others not. There's one in particular that will remain a secret between Shannon and I that I use to incredible success. Thanks for that sir...
Recently WildFlower acquired me some and needless to say a SUPER THANKS to you for that. Your generosity and kindness is instrumental in getting me here and using these remarkable proven tools for change. It's only been a few days now since I started using the Aura of Sexiness but already I can feel and see changes. Now I certainly can't equate them all to the subs and believe they are a combined effort with the other changes I have made in my life, but all the same they are working.
I've been using Aura of Sexiness for three days about 8-12 hours a day on iTunes while working. Sometimes I use the waves when I am having a particularly rough spot, but mostly I have the silent one looping in the background.
Good things are happening and I can feel it, but not quite put my finger on it yet. I'll keep this journal and let you all know of my progress. I'll also start integrating it with my mind-machine for quicker results. Time is a big factor in my life, since I made some changes there just never seems to be enough of it. I'm sure there's a sub for that too-LOL
Thanks and keep reading