05-08-2015, 02:05 AM
How old are you by the way?
Subliminal Talk
by Indigo Mind Labs
05-08-2015, 02:05 AM
How old are you by the way?
05-08-2015, 11:35 AM
05-08-2015, 11:55 AM
i'm not a successful entrepreneur. more like budding successful entrepreneur. but have you read think and grow rich? I've been told multi millionaires, on average, have read it at least twice in their lifetimes.
Think and Grow rich - Napoleon Hill 7 habits of highly effective people - Stephen Covey How To Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
05-08-2015, 03:49 PM
(05-07-2015, 05:56 PM)LeoistheSun Wrote: Okay so I just bought Beginner Daygame by Nick and Tom. (sigmawolf.com) Nice one, I've got Krauser's Daygame Mastery book it's an absolute beast!
05-08-2015, 03:59 PM
Good luck channelling your inner Hank Moody! I'll have fun reading about it
05-08-2015, 11:17 PM
(05-08-2015, 03:59 PM)Benjamin Wrote: Good luck channelling your inner Hank Moody! I'll have fun reading about it Thanks Ben. The fact is, while I want what he has I dont want to break hearts, which may be impossible. Anyway, I kinda approached two women today. It wasnt really anything. The book says to approach 100; 20 on a weekend and 10 for 3 weekdays, totaling 50 per week. Also the book says to approach 100 without wanting anything or closing (numbers or anything else). I can manage 100, part of me thinks I dont need to do 100 though, since I am already familiar with daygame. Thinking about it, I did have some fear giving compliments... stupid right? Also one like me needs to be EXACTLY CLEAR on my GOAL. I need to be clear on what I want from all this. Being a Hank Moody incarnation, and knowing what the end-goal of all this is. Let me make this clear: Anyone wanting to go down this path, this path meaning: becoming alot better with women, separating yourself from the dull grey that is mankind (regular men- not women too), the kind of success that you only hear about with men who bang women like their is no tomorrow MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST and seriously M U S T--- make it clear what THEIR END GOAL IS and IT NEEDS TO BE SPECIFIC to the point that you know you have reached it. It cannot be a generic goal like "sleep with a whole bunch of chicks." ANOTHER THING: You MUST MUST MUST MUST... seriously MUST make a list of what you WILL and WILL NOT accept from a woman, that being acceptable behavior and not acceptable behavior. The kind of list that she makes a wrong move and thats a RED FLAG. The kind of list that is your ACL. If you dont know what an ACL is, its a technical term- it means Access Control List. That being computers are very rigid, black and white, analytical. When something doesnt meet their criteria they destroy/drop that process. I bring computers into this mix because as I am typing; when it comes to acceptable and not acceptable behavior- we must do the same. As MEN will not only solidify who we are but make us a more attractive person too. TOO MANY MEN are walked all over. TOO MANY MEN are pushed around and taken advantage of. Like me, I was that way. Typing this has well made me realize some things. I realized that plainly approaching will work but I need that ACL and that End Goal. I need to know when I have Made IT. To me, my goal looks something like this when I have MADE IT: - No hesitation to approach a woman who I find attractive. - I use my charm, my wit, my best self to seduce her, and if she does not comply or meet my ACL then I drop her and I am on to the next one. - I do not put all my eggs in one basket EVER. - I have three/3 women who I am seeing weekly, and they know about each-other (not to incur needless drama). - I get called upon to drill these and other women because they know I am a man who can be trusted, that I am a sexy sexual being- someone who turns them on. - I exclude sexual confidence and sexuality (men who are good with women do this naturally, its like they talk about their coc* alot) - I have confidence to actually do my best to seduce a woman/ or give off the vibe of being a sexually confident man who then she feels comfortable to seduce me. - My body language is confident and sexual. - Women that I am seeing are open to sexually indulge whatever I may be craving at that moment. - Since women are comfortable with me, they sometimes refer their friends to me (because they are sick of the "Nice Guy" epidemic that sweeps this earth) to take care of them sexually. - If I were to move to a new country with no ties, I could have a new lover within a couple days. These are my goals, and notice that they can be done. Each one I have heard from men who are good with women who have completed these. I would also like to ask if Ben or Andrew or Shannon could disable the profanity filter (in this forum specifically). Thinking about it, I feel more sexual, as if I want to talk about my coc* more. Its rather funny. I wont include details but I am one sexy, motherfuc*er. I realize that I have been suppressed sexually just as much as women have. THE MEN who are EXCEPTIONAL with WOMEN are very sexual. I noticed this in a friend of mine (former friend- he didn't bother to treat his actual BROS like real friends). He talked about woman's puss* alot and how he would fuc* it in a certain way, the taste etc. Very sexual. Granted with a woman you can be too sexual too-fast. As I have tried. However men like those who I have mentioned above are able to do it in a way that is to a woman's liking. Something I am learning. I am thankful each and every day for who I am. For my sexuality- whatever the fuc* it may be, because suppressing any part of it is not freedom. For who I am, a sexy, confident motherfuc*er who found subs to augment his reality For being adventurous and not a prude For having the Cojones to have the audacity to want to bang hot, tight puss* on the regular. For having a brain that will undoubtedly bring me lots of moolah For having the brains to write this post For having the desire to want to change, and not be a fatso on a couch eating cheetos watching Californication... hehehe Remember this: Life is all about sex. It really is. That's why we were on this planet. To fuc* puss* and to make love. I kinda been looking at life differently as from today, some might say "what were you smoking when you wrote that post? I want some!" All I can say is you can either let life fuc* you in the ass because you didnt get what you wanted or you can take life by the hair and make it choke on it. ![]() Leo out!
05-09-2015, 07:52 AM
I like that list of yours! Good luck with it man. You got this.
Just thinking about some things.
I stumbled upon some pua material that I used to read back in the day (when I was 18 or 19 years old). I remember reading The Game and then doing the 30 day challenge (style). I remember approaching 40-50 women that week. Getting nowhere though. I just didn't understand really. I remember one time (Im not fond of mentioning this) when I was 18 or so. I remember making the commitment to approach, even if all I did was say hello... I drove to the mall and found myself frozen in my car, watching the beautiful women walk into the mall. The kind that I wanted so bad. It made me feel so sad, so depressed that I ended up crying in my car- wishing that I could do it. Making excuses for myself, even now I make up some. I just remember thinking "I am going to end up alone." "If I dont get laid (loose my v-card [at the time] that I was going to drive off a cliff or something). ************************** Just some deep shiet I remember. Lots of things still. Heres the difference between an SUCCESSFUL guy and a NOT SUCCESSFUL guy: Successful: -Focus on Success -Find something and stick with it -Takes charge -Sets goals -Meets women -No Fear **SENSE OF URGENCY** Not successful: -Watches TV shows and believes in the hype -Spends time planning -Waiting for life to get better -Vague/ No goals -Scared of himself -Going from crutch to crutch **Get to it whenever** I realize that I have issues still, that I have check-marks in this "not successful" category. How many women would you talk to if you KNEW almost all of them were sexually interested in you? Also, I remember wanting to teach pickup back then. Teach men how to do what should come naturally, and be able to travel all over fking gorgeous puss*. Well I had an idea back then, that so far nobody seems to have used it. Body Cameras (with faces blurred). I wanted to teach how to approach, talk, body language and things like that. Thats what I wanted to do. Can I master my own fear and use it for my advantage? ********** Alan Watts- So everybody has a "rock" they hang on too until they realize it does nothing for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl...JJOM#t=133
Not much to report as far as results for AM6. Naturalizer? Oh yeah, only that I am damn horny. Had to release, because my balls hurt so much...
![]() ************* Also I realize that my approach anxiety has been stemming from wanting to GET something from women rather than GIVING. I think that is a important step in this. Also work up to approaching. What I never realized is that talking to women is the Right Hemisphere of your brain. Its your creative center. I am naturally a very creative person, I just never thought that it could be such a huge advantage to me. Once I get in the groove Ill be lady-killing it! ![]() Work up to approaching. Most of us are in the logical part of our brains. Thats why approach anxiety is the way it is, we look at approaching women from a LOGICAL PoV. So you want to work into the creative part gradually. I always thought this part was for noobs. Turns out its good to do it, unless your really ballsy. These are gradual: -Saying Hello -Asking the time from a man -Asking the time from a woman -Asking for directions and having a little chit chat -General talking with someone, being playful/flirty -Complimenting a woman -Direct approach with a compliment -Daygame time I stupidly think sometimes that if I approach a woman and I burn it (as in I compliment and bail) that I wont be able to approach ever again. Which is simply not true. Likely if it went well, I could re-approach that day let alone on another day. I remember reading that if things go worst case scenario, she will likely forget after 3 months. Which is totally true. But how often do things go really south? Even if you got her alone and went for the kiss and got rejected and things were awkward and she left. In a month or two you can always try again.
05-11-2015, 01:21 PM
i relate to the "unsuccessful" category you described.. hmm. gotta work on that!
05-13-2015, 05:00 PM
So I am in a foreign city at the moment, in a hotel. Just got back from doing a small amount of daygame here. Its easier when your in a different town, but really- it shouldnt matter.
I approached a nice girl, granted she was working at the JCPenny's but I went up and told her she looked nice. Its interesting. I was nervous ya know, but when you get over it- a world of unlimited possibilities opens up before you. A world where anything is possible. Thats atleast what it feels like. Or rather, you have handcuffs on and an anvil in front of you and a hammer in your hand. Each approach beats that handcuffs chain. They say Approach Anxiety never goes away, so its like breaking the chain on those handcuffs but the cuffs still stay on your hands. I see now that you have to take ACTION before you get what you want. I want to do subliminals (or I did) and have that fix everything, read a book too and then one day go out and everything is fixed. Well life is not like that. We all need to get out there. Daygame is what I have chosen first. Its the best course. I am free-er than I was 30 minutes ago. Peace. -Leo
05-13-2015, 05:37 PM
Awesome man! How'd it go?
The thing with fear is interesting, we've been told so much it won't go away and it sounds correct and most people would agree.. but in reality there has been several times in my life where i've had zero fear at all and just approached, unfortunately those have been occasional.. but they proved to me that it's untrue. If only I could permanently be like that!
05-13-2015, 05:40 PM
05-13-2015, 07:52 PM
I was out on an interview tonight. Correction: I was taken out for dinner and was on an interview- was being interviewed.
A group of 7 girls were behind our table. Absolutely gorgeous creatures. Anyway, my interviewee was looking at them alot. I almost went up to one before she entered the restroom. Missed the opportunity. Oh Well. Its truly like this... You miss her and you likely will never see her again. Why miss that opportunity to atleast make her day brighter? Maybe more will come of it. I notice more beautiful women now. Its as if they are begging- begging for me to approach them. For me to meet them, for me to be a MAN, they want to be feminine (ALL this FEMINIST BS is because women are surrounded by pussy betas- a ticking timebomb). I remember brushing all this off. PUA whatever you call it. Thats true. I don't think I will ever call myself a PUA. I wanted to be one some time ago. What do I want to be now? The sexiest man alive. Atleast in my own world. Thats all that matters. While it is true how someone out their in this place we call Earth; may be better than me- those who I know, briefly even met- I can be the best. There is a secret to getting rid of anxiety. You ready... (from what I have heard of and it has been passed down from the boxing rings etc.) 1/2 can Coke (or whatever to dull the taste) 1/2 can of your own urine... yep thats right. Urine. Apparently it somehow blocks Anxiety for 1-2 hours. Haven't tried it, but I should. |
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