12-18-2015, 02:08 PM
Look guys, I'm going to be straight up here...
I'm sick of all of us, wasting our time with silly, nonsense programs.
I want Shannon to immediately drop all the useless bullshit he's doing, and make a program that will ACTUALLY solve our problems.
Honestly, after every run, don't you start yearning for something more?
Like something is missing from the run, but you can't put your finger on it?
I have to say, this has happened to me time and again. But I've held my tongue and kept it quiet. But many others have PM'd me and echoed my sentiments.
I think, as paying customers, we honestly should be getting WAY more than we're getting.
I think overall, if you look at the big picture, the results are pretty underwhelming.
We need something to get REAL results.
I think it's time we actually start to demand a program that actually gets us to where we want to be.
I mean, why not? Many of us spend small fortunes for results, promised to us.
But, time and again, run after run, we find ourselves desperately grasping at straws. Trying to justify our purchases, trying to justify our time investments.
We start looking for IOIs or "hits" to show us programs are actually doing what we want them to do and pretend to be satisfied. Many times these IOIs or "hits", may not have even really been there and we've just read into them to try to justify the programs.
And we do this, not only in the name of justifying our purchases, but also our sizeable time investments too!
Well, I feel it's all so futile.
And, I won't be silent anymore. It's time we demand a program that gets us results.
It's time, we get a program that actually gives us what we want.
It's time for...
Forget BAMM 2.0. Forget AM6. Forget SM3. Or any other irrelevant sub. Including any other 6G nonsense sub.
The sub to end all subs.
Get it?
Got it?
Sorry LOL!!! I had some time to spare just now. And wanted to have some fun and tease FrostedFlakes a bit because I saw somebody else join the lego army recently I think it was Leonidas lmao
. So I got the idea for this thread for fun.
Nothing but love for you guys and Shannon! You can put down the gun, Shannon...hey...HEY...TAKE IT EASY WITH THAT THING! LETS NOT DO ANYTHING WE'LL REGRET!!!
I'm sick of all of us, wasting our time with silly, nonsense programs.
I want Shannon to immediately drop all the useless bullshit he's doing, and make a program that will ACTUALLY solve our problems.
Honestly, after every run, don't you start yearning for something more?
Like something is missing from the run, but you can't put your finger on it?
I have to say, this has happened to me time and again. But I've held my tongue and kept it quiet. But many others have PM'd me and echoed my sentiments.
I think, as paying customers, we honestly should be getting WAY more than we're getting.
I think overall, if you look at the big picture, the results are pretty underwhelming.
We need something to get REAL results.
I think it's time we actually start to demand a program that actually gets us to where we want to be.
I mean, why not? Many of us spend small fortunes for results, promised to us.
But, time and again, run after run, we find ourselves desperately grasping at straws. Trying to justify our purchases, trying to justify our time investments.
We start looking for IOIs or "hits" to show us programs are actually doing what we want them to do and pretend to be satisfied. Many times these IOIs or "hits", may not have even really been there and we've just read into them to try to justify the programs.
And we do this, not only in the name of justifying our purchases, but also our sizeable time investments too!
Well, I feel it's all so futile.
And, I won't be silent anymore. It's time we demand a program that gets us results.
It's time, we get a program that actually gives us what we want.
It's time for...
Forget BAMM 2.0. Forget AM6. Forget SM3. Or any other irrelevant sub. Including any other 6G nonsense sub.
The sub to end all subs.
Get it?
Got it?
Sorry LOL!!! I had some time to spare just now. And wanted to have some fun and tease FrostedFlakes a bit because I saw somebody else join the lego army recently I think it was Leonidas lmao

Nothing but love for you guys and Shannon! You can put down the gun, Shannon...hey...HEY...TAKE IT EASY WITH THAT THING! LETS NOT DO ANYTHING WE'LL REGRET!!!