02-16-2016, 05:07 AM
- Day 16 -
It's hard to update this journal as I have felt changes but then they slot into my life so naturally that I forget exactly what they were !
Some things I have noticed;
- Increase in taking responsibility for my actions and behavior
- Increase in assertiveness
- horrible dream about a werewolf that startled me in the night
- becoming more aware of behaviors that make me feel guilt/shame/fear
- there is still resistance but the way this sub and I deal with that resistance is much improved than on AM6 and other subs it feels more subdued and doesn't last as long.
-notable increase in honesty with other people and myself.
So now for some interesting scenarios, I spoke to my mentor on Friday last week and we got into some deep stuff, mainly about my relationship with my parents and mother in particular, he asked me a question about what I thought the problem was and I gave my answer to where he was stunned and said "you have an exceptional intuitive ability to analyse an emotional problem and nail it on the head" this obviously gave me some encouragement but I wondered if perhaps OGSF 5g created more space for my mind to think more clearly, deeply and intuitively without the GSF blocking me? This program + my mentor doing some work is going to be a powerful combo in the upcoming months.
I am enjoying this sub so far will keep you posted
It's hard to update this journal as I have felt changes but then they slot into my life so naturally that I forget exactly what they were !
Some things I have noticed;
- Increase in taking responsibility for my actions and behavior
- Increase in assertiveness
- horrible dream about a werewolf that startled me in the night
- becoming more aware of behaviors that make me feel guilt/shame/fear
- there is still resistance but the way this sub and I deal with that resistance is much improved than on AM6 and other subs it feels more subdued and doesn't last as long.
-notable increase in honesty with other people and myself.
So now for some interesting scenarios, I spoke to my mentor on Friday last week and we got into some deep stuff, mainly about my relationship with my parents and mother in particular, he asked me a question about what I thought the problem was and I gave my answer to where he was stunned and said "you have an exceptional intuitive ability to analyse an emotional problem and nail it on the head" this obviously gave me some encouragement but I wondered if perhaps OGSF 5g created more space for my mind to think more clearly, deeply and intuitively without the GSF blocking me? This program + my mentor doing some work is going to be a powerful combo in the upcoming months.
I am enjoying this sub so far will keep you posted