You feeling and grinding through this stuff is confirmation that E2 is very active in your thinking.
Are you even aware that E2's emotional distancing affect is saving you from overbearing pain? I saw counselors and therapists for many years, and the knowing that.....I'd have to dig that shit up again.....kept me locked up. I was terrified of the power of my past. Absolutely terrified.
E2 is the only sub I've ever even heard of which saves anyone from having to completely relive such traumas. To me, THAT is hell. I say to therapists and counselors "KEEP THAT". E2 is full blown permission to heal without living in daily fear and trauma.
Before I started LTU, I'd purchased an emotional healing sub from another vendor. While using it, I had direct connections with old fears, and I was heavily preoccupied with them. Fears like "I don't want to feel that while (at work, visiting friends, flirting with cashiers while shopping, etc.) were on my mind consistently. After 2 weeks of that, I realized the other vendor just didn't have the knowledge or experience with healing one's emotions on a day by day basis, so I came back to E2. E2 is easy as pie compared to other subs and healing modalities.
Also, one last point, which I hang on: with E2, you paid once. No more is due. If you were in therapy, this ain't offered. You pay every single time. Easy therapy (and as much as you want) vs. paying, paying, paying, again and again. Every other sub is like that too. You could jump off and return a month, a year, even 20 years from now, but you paid the bill already. You've shared your financial situation, so think about that for a moment. This was why I picked up LTU while it was $600. The bill's been paid
Are you even aware that E2's emotional distancing affect is saving you from overbearing pain? I saw counselors and therapists for many years, and the knowing that.....I'd have to dig that shit up again.....kept me locked up. I was terrified of the power of my past. Absolutely terrified.
E2 is the only sub I've ever even heard of which saves anyone from having to completely relive such traumas. To me, THAT is hell. I say to therapists and counselors "KEEP THAT". E2 is full blown permission to heal without living in daily fear and trauma.
Before I started LTU, I'd purchased an emotional healing sub from another vendor. While using it, I had direct connections with old fears, and I was heavily preoccupied with them. Fears like "I don't want to feel that while (at work, visiting friends, flirting with cashiers while shopping, etc.) were on my mind consistently. After 2 weeks of that, I realized the other vendor just didn't have the knowledge or experience with healing one's emotions on a day by day basis, so I came back to E2. E2 is easy as pie compared to other subs and healing modalities.
Also, one last point, which I hang on: with E2, you paid once. No more is due. If you were in therapy, this ain't offered. You pay every single time. Easy therapy (and as much as you want) vs. paying, paying, paying, again and again. Every other sub is like that too. You could jump off and return a month, a year, even 20 years from now, but you paid the bill already. You've shared your financial situation, so think about that for a moment. This was why I picked up LTU while it was $600. The bill's been paid

I want to be FREE!