03-15-2020, 08:03 PM
(03-15-2020, 06:00 PM)Have at ye Wrote:(03-15-2020, 03:52 PM)ncbeareatingman Wrote: I feel like DRS is a program I want to use for the rest of my time & Life on Earth,upgrades or not. Whether this is the first,and final incarnation of DRS or not,I still want to utilize its bene's from here on out! When and where possible.
And if a program,comes out with DRS built in to it,so be it. If not then as an add on ,if no shield is in the 'new' program.
I got good news today,MY long time good Friend Ed,is going to buy the DRS for Me,early next month. Man ,Im sooo looking for to this program. I swear. I feel like,I needed this when I was 5 yrs old ,I am now 61 & 1/2 and hell yes I still need it!! To me,if you breath,Ha! You could use this program. I'm just saying.
I Thank Life, da Universe....trust Me I do!! I'm around and near family often,and all kinds of 'stuff' gets triggered,as a result. But hell,going to Walmart,or where ever,the DRS comes in handy,too!! Understatement.
Can Hardly wait to experience the 'shifting' and relatives and folks with much more respect for me,that which should've been in place the whole time,can finally begin. we have saying around here'
"I can show ya,better,than I can Tell". As an Old Soul ,have given and I Know I have given beyound measure here with family and beyound,now its time for the balancing to begin.
I'm notta victim,but it shure as hell will be nice to see some folks learn thru DIRECT return to sender experience that which they did not want to hear from me,Directly,even when given in softness and love. there is sooo much I could say,suffice to say,,,Bring da DRS On...we are indeed ready. Im Jazzed!!
Heh, when someone could really benefit from the DRS, it is *quite* the gamechanger.
Good luck, my friend!
Thank ya so much Have at Ye, genuinely,much appreciated!! I can wait to test drive this puppy and tell ya all about it ! grinzzz. its empowering. I believe too,that having such shielding in tact,will be a very benefical thing to my over all health as well,right along with the additional health protocols I am currently utilizing and additions that will be made in May in to June and the Summer,ect. very encouraging. Im quietly excited and enthused!! thanks again!!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"