12-09-2016, 06:13 PM
My cousin's out of hospital and looking much better. He came out to store to see me. He had some fluid on the lungs and now he needs heal all the way up. The celebrity effect is here to stay. I'm feeling like this is how I always should of been. Being noticed is great and the effect of the sub far surpasses the pheromones I was using for that same effect. I just have random girls saying hi out of the blue, and stares a mile away. Still getting used to that very nice though. I had one older woman that knows me from the store. She's one of the regular customers. She was talking with me and another lady and like all of a sudden she grabbed my arm and lead me up to the customer service desk arm in arm. I was shocked that happened of course I rolled with it. I did get her problem with her order handled and that was that. I had seen a lot as far as how I though people act. That did take me by surprise. Other than that I did have one girl I see every so often at the job. She had been pretty distant as far as I was concerned so I just keep talking to her and ignored ever time she keep herself closed off. She finally upped up and started taking after she saw I was unmoved to wither she talked or not. At only 9 days things are looking up. What other surprises dose Shannon and his sub have in store. Tune in to find out.