12-15-2020, 03:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-15-2020, 03:38 PM by marykate.
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(12-09-2020, 06:30 AM)Shannon Wrote: Wow. I'm sorry to hear about all those negative things that have befallen you. I have been having a heck of a hard time also, but not that hard!Thank you for your reply! I really hope your hard time will be over soon, because you don't deserve it. I think the work you put into your products alone should guarantee you an easy life. There are so many people reaping the benefits of these new standards, and the price of some stuff will always be too low, no matter how much it will be. I experienced a long time of psychotherapy, self help groups, medication etc., and all the time and money did not give me a tenth of the progress I experienced with EHPRA in three months, let alone all the pain and negative things I had to deal with. Such deveopments are just amazing

Quote:It's funny, because every year, no matter how long we keep the sale on (or not), someone comes along and says that.Well, I missed a few sales, but this time I felt a huge regret, because I was literally thinking of it all day long. But I felt quite sick that day (after partying too much with my best friend on our reconciliation the day before). Every time I got up I had a huge headache, the screen was blurring in front of my eyes, and I said to myself: "Well, Ben's time zone is different from mine, sale will still be there in two hours, I will try it later when I feel a little better." And when I finally decided to it had been over for just half an hour

Well, experience makes you wise. So I will note for the next sale day: Don't party too hard the night before it starts, especially not on stuff you never tried out before

Quote:How did you not get along with it so well? The new instructions are that all infections require 24/7 exposure. I had an infection for 5 weeks, and my own experience made it very clear that the subconscious does not keep the immune system powered up if you take breaks. I haven't figured out why that is, or what to do about it, so... 24/7. We don't want to make the infection worse.I used it 4 times a day, on for four days, off for two, maybe three? I don't remember it exactly anymore, but is was according to the scheme suggested in the old instructions.
One thing I didn't get along with, or found at least very annoying, was a 20 year old scar on the back of my head. I had a skiing accident when I was on winter sports camp with my school class, and the people back then were quite careless. I was only checked for concussion (no symptoms), and the wound itself was ignored. It healed somehow without getting attention, and the result is quite a mess with my hair on and in and all over it. This scar started itching terribly 24/7 after starting MIR for the first time. Something it has never done before, in fact I had almost forgotten about it since 2015, when I saw a hairdresser for the last time. This was before my recent hair loss episode (because of iron deficiency), and my hair was much more than I have left now - fine hair, but huge amounts of it . This made the problem worse, of course. At night I couldn't sleep, braids and buns made the itching terribly, open hair was often not an option, because I was growing it out for the first time in my life, and a good meter length of it gets in the way all the time, in summer the heating effect adds up to feeling unwell.
I tried all sorts of tinctures, most of them very oily and not improving anything, even dexpanthenol was discarded, because an effective dosage was too sticky. Pure aloe vera juice was the best option, but it helped for half an hour at longest, and the little bottle from AO was empty after a few days, too fast for its price of $36.
It's almost ironic, because now I want that hair back desperately - and I would gladly make it through a little itching if that was the price! It has gotten so thin recently, I will have to wear buns for the next three years to hide the damage. But back then the permanent itching really bothered me, even more so because I didn't expect this scar to heal or improve anyhow with MIR, it was just a side effect, an unpleasent feeling all the time.
The other effects of MIR weren't very present back then. I guess that was a result of the little time I was exposed to it. Another reason might have been that the volume I used was not high enough. I'm quite sensitive to noise, and I usually listen to subs in the lowest setting, especially at night, maybe one or two clicks out of... 15? 20?

But I have to say that I used it for a few days recently to avoid getting a cold, this time 24/7 and much louder, and YES, I was definitely feeling that something like a "boost" was created in my body, hard to describe, but it was working definitely.
Quote:First point: DMSI works primarily on responding to others. If you're not around anyone else, it's not going to be triggered, and therefore, not much will happen. All you did was prove that it does what it's designed to do.Right. After a few days at least my online social life was improving, long forgotten friends were writing out of the blue, and new people were sending requests. My only social playgrounds at the moment, the supermarket and the self service zone at the bank, caught up as well, recently lots of people there asked me to go first in the queue (what? I have like 25 items!) or smiled at me for no reason. Some guys even checked me out (from the required distance for COVID-19).
Quote:Second... and I'm really tired of repeating this ad infinitum... you cannot use my subs 5G and above with other subliminals. You also should NEVER mix subliminals from different producers. So I'm sure that din't help.Yes, I know

My motivation was to include as many different ones as possible to discover one that would make my philtrum tingle, because so many famous youtubers are saying that's the best sign it is actually working. This effective one would have been the lucky one to be played exquisitely all the time after the test to make sure it had the best conditions to work. But unfortunately I never felt any tingling, although I even downloaded them as huge WAV-files in the highest quality. So the project is on hold for now.
Quote:My subliminals have been actively traded on various pirate sites for a long time now. 3G and 4G didn't have anti-piracy code in them, so they're the most frequently stolen.No, I would never do that. I work in a branch myself where I had to watch the consequences of it. It has always been a issue, but the internet recently pretty much ruined the whole industry. What I get paid for my work right now is not even a tenth of what people got in the 60ies and 70ies for the same projects. One buys, and ten to twenty friends are getting a free copy. Doing it with one mouseclick made it a lot worse, although already the mass availability of copiers was considered a threat (one we laugh about today).
It's a good thing you didn't download them, because any act of piracy - downloading, uploading, sharing, helping others pirate my subs - will trigger anti-piracy code in the later generations. You then have to correct what you did, and it's by far best not to trigger it. Also, pirating my subliminals is a good way to forfeit your right to ANY refunds. Never pirate my subliminals. Those who aren't smart enough to know better pay for it, even if they think they don't. Besides, how dumb do you have to be to steal from someone who is programming your mind? Just imagine what they can do in response.
I have these special friends as well, who are always asking for a copy of this and that, "just for one week", "I will buy a license when I see it actually works",... but no way. It's not right. And after all, who was handing me the free copies of higher priced stuff when I wanted to see whether it actually works? Noone. Lesson learned.
The only product I feel a little fooled about is DMSI, because I bought it late, so I only have one version, 3.3.2. Earlier buyers in contrast experienced the time when there were two tracks of each version, one based on healing and one based on acting out the script (as far as I remember). I would have loved to try that system.
Quote:I'm going to have to say that I would be shocked if anyone who offers a "shorten your philtrum" sunliminal makes one that actually works. DMSI requires someone to be within proximity to trigger it, so that seems out. Of all of your options, and given your current circumstances, if I were in your shoes I would probably get USLM 4.2 and run that through the trial time to give you the best possible outcome.There was one free track that actually had a (honest, it can be verified) review of a person whose philtrum shrunk within two weeks massively. Unfortunately this track was mainly designed for a smaller nose, the philtrum affirmation was just added for making sure the whole face would fit the new nose. The person with the smaller philtrum actually wrote to complain, because her nose had gotten bigger at the same time, and she was quite disappointed. The growing nose had even been mentioned by her friends and family, maybe the extra skin from the zone below it? Who knows, but I wouldn't want a bigger nose as a side effect, so this track didn't make it onto my playlist. The improved one for a smaller nose came soon after, but it doesn't have the philtrum affirmation in it anymore.
I still have US/LM 3 here, because I was always scared to buy the successor. It wasn't reviewed very good here when it was introduced, and although I believe that it is working well now, these memories are in my head, and I'm afraid they might influence my reaction to it.
So I started the good old version 3 a few days ago, maybe not the most effective technology available, but still something very much advanced in my opinion. Just like I still use EHPRA 3, there may be something better to get, but after all, compared to others who are still in the 70ies with their psychotherapist sesions, even those tracks are a long way ahead of the average.
One thing that scares me about the new version is that even on the old one I see signs of resistance every time I use it. The last time, I still remember it clearly, was when I lost $ 500 in Btc to a mirror phishing page on day 2 of US/LM3. This time, right on day 2, my expensive automatic wristwatch, a Christmas present from my parents in 2012, gave up working. Nothing special happened, I wind it up almost every morning, but this time I started and after two minutes I realised that there was no resistance coming (in a rare case when I actually needed it

So what to do? I discovered soon after that the price of the model I own has almost doubled since 2012 (being sold for 1.800 euro now, phew, but then again, I remember having paid more than 80 euro just for replacing the worn out watch strap, btw, the new one was terribly stiff, with original logo a least, but chosen too small and never fitting well, I was dumb enough to order XS, for the same price as the other lengths).
The company itself doesn't offer repair service, but online watch repair services announce that repair, considering my issue and my brand/model, will be 500 euro at least. Wonderful. I HATE resisting subs, did I ever mention...?
So now this US/LM has to remain in use for a while, to make up for that terrible experience at least, and hopefully to create some positive events beyond it. So this was the turning point, hopefully. I don't even want to think about the option that resistance might not be over yet... what else could happen?
Quote:DMSI really has nothing to do with astral travel. Less scared would be OF. Those nightmares would probably also benefit from EHPRA v4. But for fear specifically, OF is best.No, not directly of course. But I thought there was a Fear Removing Module in DMSI, at least in the newest version 3.3.2, the one I have. I just wondered if this feature would, as a side effect, work on the fear that often blocks people from leaving their body in the moment of separation, just automatically, because it works on any kind of fear that's coming up from the subconscious, whether it may be related to sexual issues or to other problems.
Quote:The most important thing is your mental emotional health. If that is in question, then I would suggest EHPRA v4 is the best bet. As a second option, if you're okay otherwise, I would use USLM v4.2 to help with your trial.My mental health is not that bad. At the moment, the times are a bit hard, not only for me, but I feel that my two runs of EHPRA, an intense one 15 months ago and a shorter one recenty, have improved my mood a lot. I feel more like a rock that will remain calm and stable as a basic mentality, even if the events of a short moment, a day, or a week are getting on my nerves and make it hard to see the positive. I can deal with it easier now, because I have achieved a natural distance to everything. I am still able to feel sad or desperate, and going through a low from time to time is something I consider quite helpful, so I'm happy that EHPRA has not resulted in being detached or sedated, like I would probably feel from an antidepressant.
But I don't get fully absorbed into negative things anymore, I am still able to see the long run and the way out. Five more years and I'm sure I will laugh about lots of the things I'm worrying about now. It's a matter of time, and whatever happens, other people have gone through much more. After all my life here in Europe with my family, my standards and background still is within the borders of "rather easy", compared to the situation of many others.
I wish I could tell how the new version of US/LM would influence my resistance.
Would it help to run LTU instead, to reduce its potential negative effects, because it has less impact being only one element of a whole set? I don't know why, but I thought a lot about this one recently. Of course it would be nice to have a program that works in many sections of my life, even on topics I might not be able to point out explicitly. Actually, the more I think about it the more I believe there is some hidden stuff that would benefit from a full tune-up.
The new Eye Program sounds promising as well. I had laser eye surgery in 2008, and one eye was overcorrected. As a result I'm becoming long-sighted on one eye right now, while the other one is expected to remain short-sighted for another decade. This is a nasty combination, impossible to correct with contacts and annoying to handle with glasses. Putting them on and off all the time actually gives me headaches, so I have recently given up on them for reading/daily life. The only activity I use them for is driving. It feels better this way, and after all a value of two dioptres on the short-sighted eye is not much (compared to my -8 and -9 comma something values before lasering,

@Shannon The subs for "getting rid of spider veins" will not work, right? I would immidiately buy an effective one on that topic, but I guess they fall into the same category as the philtrum subs...? Well, I tried two of them last summer, and I even felt a tingling in my legs when I listened to them (a rare experience for me!), but after a few weeks I still saw no improvement on my spider veins. So I gave up.