01-23-2014, 08:09 AM
(01-23-2014, 06:25 AM)K-Train Wrote: My body has healed up nicely so I swapped out MHS with Aura of Sexiness about 2 days ago. This time, I'm getting the majority of my listening time of AOS through headphones and the results have been quite intriguing. Since starting AOS I'm much more relaxed and I don't have many (if any) negative feelings within me.
Yesterday my classmate invited me over again to chill with her while she worked out. I thought "oh what the hell" so I went. I decided to try out TUW-P18 (WMK) and had it playing at 80% volume. At first we were just talking but she started talking to me a lot more but I noticed that I was so chill and nonchalant and not in my head. She was showing me pictures on her computer and I went over and squeezed down right beside her in an armchair. Her breasts rested on my shoulder for a good bit and we just continued looking at pics of our favorite celebrities.
In the past, I'd get a little jealous or impatient if a girl was talking about her crush on some other dude if it wasn't me but instead I was really at ease and she pulled up nude photos of my celebrity crush and we spent a good 20 minutes just laughing about our celeb crushes (we're still both squeezed into that single armchair btw). I decided to rest my arm inside between her legs not all the way up to her pussy but still not in a place most guys could get away with.I'd say that was the biggest difference during this interaction was that I was touching her more often yet it felt much more natural because I didn't have the doubts and ***** in my head.
We got up and started working out and listening to music but about halfway through I changed the song to this --> Juvenile - Back That Ass Up. She started to giggle when it came on and I spent the next half hour trying to help her get the moves right. Never had so much fun working out in my life haha.
Thanks Jimbobday for recommending P18, its a keeper.
EDIT: For those of you who are having a hard time getting in time listening to subs on headphones here's a trick that I've learned. Get the ultrasonic version of the sub, and put in on your iPod/phone/music player and set the volume VERY low, as low as you can go. There you go. This will allow you to get in a lot of listening time for subs without hearing damage and without the annoying sound of the ocean surf or trickling stream.
I'm doing this now and this allows me to get in a shit load of listening time on headphones which speeds my results (as you can obviously see).
Haha man, your results are awesome, also love hearing about your experiences with using AOS and TUW. That's so cool man, your situation that you mentioned sounds rare, being so close to a workout partner in a arm chair, and your arm move is something a guy would do with their girlfriend. Haha I bet you did a little bit of flexing like that as well
