(12-20-2012, 01:42 AM)Shannon Wrote: To make sure you understand the impact of using stereo versus mono properly, I will explain the difference.
My subs use both channels of stereo audio. If you play them on stereo speakers or headphones, they'll give you the whole message, but you won't get the full intended impact or effect unless they're on opposite ears.
If you use it in only mono, however, parts of the script audio just plain will not be there. The way I weave the audio allows the program to still work, but it will be at about 45% of full impact as opposed to using it over stereo, with the speakers properly positioned.
The loss is much less when you use stereo speakers even when they are not optimally positioned, because both channels are being reproduced still, so there's no audio being outright lost. What's lost is the stereospatial effects, unless you use headphones, or have the speakers positioned at opposite sides of your head.
Thanks for the explanation Shannon. That clears a lot up. So then do you believe my hypothesis is sound? That by using properly positioned speakers the time to see results should be reduced? The purpose of this is to reduce the time needed to see and get results so that I don't have to spend 4 months on one program just to get results that stick. You're programs rock but I'd like to get to as many as possible in a timely fashion lol.
Also, decided to test out a TUW yesterday.
Program: TUW-P5j-SOS-B-NN (PGK)
Location: Club
Device: iPod Touch
Range/Volume: Maximum Volume. So somewhere around 10 feet...maybe.
Effects on Self: Me and my friends decided to buy 2 pitchers of drinks so we all had a nice buzz going. PGK affects me the most out of all the TUWs and after more than an hour can make me horny as a mofo but tonight I didn't really notice too much from it at least nothing I can say definitively was caused by PGK and not by booze

Effects on Others: When we first got to the club around 12 the dance floor wasn't packed mainly girls dancing with girls, guys on the sidelines watching and drinking. The usual. We grabbed some drinks. And after about 30 minutes of vibing two girls walk a little bit past us and then stood about 1 a meter or so ahead so that they were just on the dance floor. Only one was attractive to me but then I thought "hey, let's test out TUW-PGK!! So I put it on and continued drinking and observing.
Maybe this was just coincidence, but over the next hour and a half things got a bit more wild. More people started dancing and the girls were a bit more receptive. The girl in I mentioned earlier who had walked in front of us glanced back a few times but what was hilarious to me was that over the next 10 minutes she started getting approached more which I thought was interesting because it happened after I started playing PGK plus there were other more attractive girls around but hey, who am I to judge?
One thing I did notice, was how relaxed and comfortable I was throughout the night. I was content, non-needy, and was having a blast just vibing and this was before I started drinking. In fact, I would have been quite content to not drink at all but I didn't mind since I hadn't seen my friends in a while and we wanted to celebrate the end of term. Later on my friend met up with these girls he knew. We chatted a bit, I dance with one of them (a huge improvement from years past b/c normally I would be too nervous) and later on also met up with some people I knew and talked with them. All in all a good night.
OK, so I can't say what PGK did or didn't do because: 1.) Clubs normally get more hyped as time goes on and 2.) Booze was involved. lol
But hey, I couldn't resist not testing out PGK.