10-15-2016, 07:43 PM
(10-14-2016, 09:29 PM)DanAmerson Wrote: I'm getting ideas out the wazoo when it comes to the book I'm writing. I'll likely set a goal to finish research and write it before my birthday in March.
The Wikileaks debacle sure is interesting; it blows the Democratic side wide open (though I know that Republicans have skeletons in their closets). I want the two-party system to be over, and I want legacy media as we know it to cease to exist. I want a up-rising in alternative media, who must compete with one another to remain relevant by reporting stories accurately and with minimal bias.
The Young Turks is a great case study of an alternative media source that once were impartial, but became high on their own power. People have caught on, and they're now tremendously disliked.
There needs to be a Renaissance to journalism, a Renaissance to politics, and a Renaissance to our public discourse, and I sense as though my book will contribute to this Renaissance.
The Renaissance Man: Glad that the BASE program is helping you write your book; Yes, research is a time consuming task with writing. Perhaps, the 'Renaissance' period will re-cycle back to todays' Millennial Generation.

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DMSI 3.0.1 Version (5.5G TESTING GROUP)