01-03-2015, 03:53 PM
This conversation is getting a bit out of hand, I hope Maniac360 doesn't mind as I find it quite entertaining and informative.
Do I make stand for everyone? I don't want people to thing and do I am do. I ask people to have conscious and don't act like apes. You have mind, use it. I know it's a high order for many people, but I still have hope for humanity. Or at least for 1 person in a thousand. What I mean is that for example from before if you wanna have sex with whomever you want go ahead, but do this while in none or open relationship, don't break your vows, don't be a hypocrite, don't hurt anyone nor strain anyone's trust while having said sex. It is much to ask, I know, but I still have hopes high. If I sounded authoritative it was because I believe people might be honest like that. Silly me.
Yeah, maybe we should like billions people out there, living, eating, having sex, obeying law etc. without much thought or recollection. It is not path for me, but this rebellion comes from within, cannot force anyone to it.
Also isn't it funny how we are trying right now to modify our programming? I mean with subs and PSTEC and whatnot. Quite funny come to think of it. As if we knew we cannot escape it fully, so at least we're doing an upgrade.
Errare humanum est. To err is human, and we're at least making efforts to better ourselves.
It was continuation of my "you're human, don't act like an animal and take responsibility" train of thought. But you summed it up very well
Reason why people don't always "do their best" and improve is because change is hard while stasis (lack of change) is familiar and "safe", don't you agree?
Yes, that understanding is very, very important. I think information about subconscious and instincts, our reptilian and mammal brain should be taught in schools as important topic because people don't understand it almost at all how brain works. And I know many ideas in this forum are unorthodox, but this is early XX century science stuff pioneered by Freud and others. Why something known for a century in a scientific way is still mystery to the masses?
Optimistic point at the end of the post, I like that
SargeMaximus Wrote:Why is that? Just because I'm exercising free will now everyone must do the same for everything? The world doesn't work that way I'm afraid.
The important thing for ME is that you can do whatever you want, there is no should or should not. Only what YOU personally think YOU should or should not do. You are allowed to make that moral stand on yourself, you are not, imo, allowed to make that stand for anyone else.
Do I make stand for everyone? I don't want people to thing and do I am do. I ask people to have conscious and don't act like apes. You have mind, use it. I know it's a high order for many people, but I still have hope for humanity. Or at least for 1 person in a thousand. What I mean is that for example from before if you wanna have sex with whomever you want go ahead, but do this while in none or open relationship, don't break your vows, don't be a hypocrite, don't hurt anyone nor strain anyone's trust while having said sex. It is much to ask, I know, but I still have hopes high. If I sounded authoritative it was because I believe people might be honest like that. Silly me.
SargeMaximus Wrote:Totally, but WHY must we not give in to our programming?
Yeah, maybe we should like billions people out there, living, eating, having sex, obeying law etc. without much thought or recollection. It is not path for me, but this rebellion comes from within, cannot force anyone to it.
Also isn't it funny how we are trying right now to modify our programming? I mean with subs and PSTEC and whatnot. Quite funny come to think of it. As if we knew we cannot escape it fully, so at least we're doing an upgrade.
SargeMaximus Wrote:Exactly, it's part of life, best to accept it. You're not "bad" for being a hypocryte, just a human being.
Errare humanum est. To err is human, and we're at least making efforts to better ourselves.
SargeMaximus Wrote:Not quite sure what you're saying here, but I think you're saying "we should do the best we can". I agree with that. I also believe everyone is doing the best they can at any given time with the information/experiences they have. Granted, you can always choose to make a change, but even then, there are so many emotions, so many thoughts and experiences, we're lucky we are even sane enough to walk down the road without killing or being killed.
It was continuation of my "you're human, don't act like an animal and take responsibility" train of thought. But you summed it up very well

SargeMaximus Wrote:Lol, well I'm sure superman is VERY popular with the ladies. Man of Steel and all that Wink
But yeah, exactly. We aspire to greatness, and do the best we can. We learn from our mistakes, and hopefully improve. Such is life. Forgiveness is key as is acceptance and understanding. Once you realize you are an animal, it's easier to recognize your impulses.
I didn't decide to abstain from ejaculation till this year, and, interestingly, I had been under the belief that man was something more than animals up till about 3 years ago. Maybe it's a coincidence, maybe it's not. Point is: we're doing the best we can.
Yes, that understanding is very, very important. I think information about subconscious and instincts, our reptilian and mammal brain should be taught in schools as important topic because people don't understand it almost at all how brain works. And I know many ideas in this forum are unorthodox, but this is early XX century science stuff pioneered by Freud and others. Why something known for a century in a scientific way is still mystery to the masses?
Optimistic point at the end of the post, I like that

For not by numbers of men, nor by measure of body, but by valor of soul is war to be decided.
~Belisarius, the last Roman
Certitude is for the puzzle-box logicians and girls of white glamour [...]. I am a letter written in uncertainty.
~36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 4
~Belisarius, the last Roman
Certitude is for the puzzle-box logicians and girls of white glamour [...]. I am a letter written in uncertainty.
~36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 4