01-03-2015, 01:49 PM
SargeMaximus Wrote:Overcoming your biological needs? lol. Like eating eh? Or how bout sleep? Or deification? Or breathing, or sweating, or digesting food, or dreaming, or drinking water, or reproducing or any number of other things.
They CAN be overcome. Should they? That's up to you.
Taking into consideration bar in your signature they should

SargeMaximus Wrote:I'd argue that is not a natural "need" (Especially if you're the alpha, you don't need to fight for dominance).
Animals fight for dominance constantly, especially mammals living in groups.
SargeMaximus Wrote:Who says we're programmed? Then again, even if we are, why must we NOT?
Programming was continuation of my thought of being slaves to our urges, won't argue about it as it wasn't my point, even if topic is fascinating indeed

SargeMaximus Wrote:Why do we believe in the disney fairy tales or of idealistic ideas of society? Don't be immature, people do things that don't make sense. Best to get used to it and accept it than try to morally rebel against it.
You're right in this point, too often I assume people actually do what is best for them and rather go with herd instincts. Thanks for that realization, Serge, although I fear I won't be last time I'll need it. People are hypocrites almost by definition, not even thinking about it. Myself included.
SargeMaximus Wrote:I agree that we can go for open marriages, but just because someone is not as "controlled" as you say they should be, doesn't mean there will cease to be cheating and whatnot. In the end, we ARE just animals.
YES, we CAN overcome it, but not everyone knows this, and even the ones who do, can't control every little thing.
Can you control yourself 100% of the time for the moral right side of things? Or do you get angry sometimes? Maybe you lust after a married woman. Don't pretend to be a saint, and don't expect others to be. Accept your an animal, and aspire to greatness if you must, but never forget what you are.
I get angry a lot, last post is sadly good example of that. I'm not a saint either. We are animals, we cannot control fully our emotions, fears, longings ect. I just think it doesn't justifies us to blame everything on instinct and subconscious. After all it is the conscious, part of us animals don't have or have extremely limited, that controls us and it can override other parts of oneself. It is hard as we are not design to it (it's easier to go on subconscious' autopilot), but it can be done.
Aspiring to greatness and our discussion reminded me of this:
Nietzsche Wrote:What is the ape to man? A laughing-stock, a thing of shame. And just the same shall man be to the Superman: a laughing-stock, a thing of shame.I don't think he meant that in context of sex however

For not by numbers of men, nor by measure of body, but by valor of soul is war to be decided.
~Belisarius, the last Roman
Certitude is for the puzzle-box logicians and girls of white glamour [...]. I am a letter written in uncertainty.
~36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 4
~Belisarius, the last Roman
Certitude is for the puzzle-box logicians and girls of white glamour [...]. I am a letter written in uncertainty.
~36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 4