(03-25-2016, 08:46 AM)Ekscentra Wrote:(03-25-2016, 12:05 AM)Shannon Wrote:(03-24-2016, 10:56 AM)Ekscentra Wrote: I personally haven't been impressed with PheromoneXS at all, but if it works for you, all the better.
Shannon, a number of influential members of the pheromone community (myself included) are starting an initiative to uncover the identities of a large number of Androtics' putatives. In the meantime, I'm working on a mix that replicates the effects of A314 at its peak and another based on Warren's efforts to reverse engineer P88. Perhaps you'd be interested in adding Pantyscorcher to that list. If you have the formula available, I'd love to make this happen. If you'd lke to work something out, PM me and I'll see what I can do.
And, should you decide to get back into the mones hobby, I'd strongly recommend starting with LAL. They make some of the most consistent products in the business and their value is unsurpassed. You'll get enormous mileage out of them, without a doubt.
I still have two bottles of A314 from when it was still good, back around 2008, which have been kept in my freezer, and are still very effective. One thing that drove me nuts was that they kept changing the damned formula, and I could never rely on the results from one bottle to the next being predicable. I would love such a mix, but I have since discovered ways to better anything I ever encountered from pheromones. Not saying I have kept up with pheromones for the last several years, so I don't know what's possible right now with them, but I can do much better than what I was seeing last I was active using subliminals.
Panty Scorcher included.
That said, I still have some PS, and I still love to tease and torture women who are too curious for their own good by allowing them to smell it from the bottle. But I am not sure I still have the formula for it anymore. I can look.
And that said, the good news is, I should be able to calculate a new version of it using the predictive models, which are what grew out of the "secret calculator" I used to create PS in the first place.
But all this is for the time when I'm not so swamped.
And if I were to enable PMs, I would be instantly swamped dealing with myriad questions through that as well, so you understand that I have them turned off, and they have been turned off for some time now.
Would a sample of the last version of PS help you in any way?
Yes, I've heard you mention this before. This makes me all the more curious to explore just what your subs can do. Still, I'm not sure the more specific effects can be replicated by subliminals - this would surprise me even more. Without the amount of personal experience you have under your belt, I can't be certain.
My intuition tells me the two would be synergistic rather than one replacing the other. A number of members within the pheromone community (PheroTruth, specifically) have had great success combining both pheromones and subliminals. Perhaps subs can help eliminate dependence on pheromones, giving the user what they were hoping for from mones to begin with.
A sample of PS would require an analysis, which is likely to run thousands of dollars. This is do-able, but should you still have the formula lying around somewhere, this would be the most efficient way of going about this process. I believe paying some reasonable percentages in royalties would be fair, given how much work you've put into this.
I'm saying that I can almost certainly reproduce any effect a pheromone can have, and probably either can, or will soon be able to, do it better than what I remember seeing from pheromones when I was working with them. This would not all be internal changes; some of it would be easier to achieve by exposing someone else to the subliminal. I might be able to create some sort of "aura" effect, but I doubt that would be anywhere near as powerful as the direct endo/exo effects of using a subliminal oneself, or exposing someone else.
State shifting is state shifting, whether you do it using neuro-active chemistry or neuro-active audio. The difference is that what I have learned to do with subliminal audio state shifting is much more complex and capable than just shifting your state of awareness. I can also use it to shift brain chemistry, body chemistry, brain/body activity, perception, frame, referencing, activity, and a variety of other interesting things either directly or by proxy. You see a sample of this with EHPRA 2.0, which does not even use close to the full capacity of my state shifting technology.
It would be almost effortless, at this point, to create an exo-subliminal (designed to be used to affect others in a group being exposed) that could generate a state of social activity, freedom and interplay, such as you might get from Alpha Androstenol or Instant Openness, for example. Attraction, social/physical/mental/emotional relaxation, arousal, excitement, respect and much more, all these things could be relatively easily done this way. And I can scale up the intensity, focus and power levels to pretty much anything I want, limited only by what the mind and body can actually do and can safely handle.
I briefly considered doing subliminal "pheromones", but what would happen if every Tom, Dick and Harry had access to one or more digital subliminals that could do this sort of thing? Especially if they could all easily access it, which never wore off, which could be used forever, and could be played from a cell phone? Sooner or later, someone would end up playing it at the same time someone else did, in the same place, knowing or not knowing that was happening, and then there would be all sorts of unexpected and unintended side effects. It could end up being very bad for the entire industry. At the very least, playing two state shifting programs at once would create a serious state of disorientation and confusion in the brain/mind, which could potentially result in unsafe driving, etc.
So... not gonna do that. Real pheromones can do the same thing more safely for everyone involved.
As for synergy, they are potentially very synergistic. PSE/X series subs with mones, for example, can do some pretty cool things in the direction of seduction.
The formula for Panty Scorcher would be most likely stored on a long unused hard disk or backup DVD. I might have a paper copy, but that seems unlikely. And if there is none of either of those two available, there is one other way I might potentially be able to regain that formula.
But that formula is only useful if you know what the T and P series of Androtics pheromones are. Might then be better to analyze it. And of course some royalties would seem reasonable.
And Eternity, thanks for being patient with our banter.

Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!