08-05-2018, 11:57 AM
(08-03-2018, 04:22 PM)Frosted Wrote: More spiritual aspects. You know, the "ascendant" part of ascendant alpha. Spirituality teaches to go from fear and seperation to love and connectedeness and Shannon has said that traditional alphas lead through fear whereas ascendant alphas lead themselves and they feel love. Not word for word, but something like that.
Keep in mind we already got most of that hardcore badass alpha shit in there so a little woo woo "fairy" suggestions aren't going to turn any of us into betas.
Anyways the way I see AM now is that it's to get you to be a self actualized man. But there's even one step higher than that and that is "transcendence". Hence "transcendent alpha". I feel the transcendent part is lacking so far, it's been mostly about self esteem and becoming independent and getting your needs met with some spiritual stuff sprinkled in like zen attitude.
Now what needs to be quenched is the need for spirituality. I'm not trying to make it ineffective, diluted, or more "woo woo". I'm talkin spirituality that works.
-Decalcafied Pineal Gland
-Healthy Eating
-More Focus on Taking Care of Your Health - It makes your mind body and spirit healthier - And You Feel Great!
-Balanced healed, Cleansed, Activated, Awakened and Unblocked Chakras
-Increased Awareness/Present to the Moment
-Unconditional Love
-Happiness and Joy
-Peace and Serenity
-Be a Relaxed Person - Tempered by Ambition and Work Ethic
-Work Hard Play Hard
-Focus On Charity - On Helping and Giving Back to The World - Giving Your Greatest Gift
-Focus On a Deep Identity Level Transformation Through the Purification of the Soul.
-Become Someone Who "Shines"
-Spiritual Fulfillment
-Higher Knowledge and Wisdom
-Become a Generous Person
-Emphasis on Higher Self
-Become Master Over Your Own Soul
-Clarity; Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually
-Strong Vitality
-Firmly Rooted
-Replace Depression With Vitality and Optimism
-Become More of Who You Truly Are Every Day
I might add more later.
I'm all for Spiritual Growth Sub - This ticks many boxes

Good Vibes To All