02-22-2017, 08:47 AM
(02-22-2017, 07:43 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: I am simply not interested in what these "inner peace" types are saying because I think they're full of crap. It's easy to seek inner peace. It's hard to obtain external results.
I've been big on Zen and inner peace for most of my own life (mostly out of necessity, trying desperately to cope with a shitty living situation, shitty social life, and daily suicidal thoughts) till a few years ago.
Thing is, reaching inner peace is just like any other "goal" in life, you obtain it, then you think to yourself "do I stay here or do I keep moving forward?"
Because of my inner peace I can approach women with little to no AA, and can even turn off my emotions vampire diaries style, focus on "joy" and blissfully walk through life like a retard.
Is that a good thing? I do not think so.
And it actually is BECAUSE of my belief in Zen that I see things this way.
Zen teaches that birds fly while fish swim. It teaches us that being something is being it, and that a fish cannot be a bird because it is a fish, and vice versa. Fish are not birds because they do not fly (flying fish might be birds tho

Which means, if you have inner peace but no friends, no job, no women, you're NOT an alpha.
An alpha is an alpha, and a beta is a beta, and a hater is a hater.
(02-22-2017, 07:43 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: Therefore, they're claiming not to care about riches and women because they're afraid of failure, and trying to tear down others who ARE ambitious because we're a constant reminder of what they lack. And that's not my problem.
This, again. Totally agree.