02-12-2016, 09:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-12-2016, 09:14 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
Dear Shannon,I"ll do my best to keep this puppy short as I can... Im my last post on your journal page,I requested that if and when ,consider "Dream your best solution" and you said you'd look into it to see what MIGHT be done in that direction, or what can be done in that direction( NOT stating it verbatum) ..OK soo if ya do go with a 5G title on dream soultions, again with all the bell and whistles,if ya do,please consider ' some dream travel,and dream flying" prompts in the scriptorium... not only would it make it much more interesting,cool as sheet,but also even more inticing...who says ya have to be stationary in order to find your dream solutions, answers,options,
possibilities,alternatives,anyway? Were Ultra-Success and Money Magnet to be in 5g/6g would be almost surreal ,im shure.
All this good stuff in 5g/6g sounds beyound wild,way cool and very very effective....possibly even bending time,reshaping reality on the physical. I already have had decades,of many experiences of such for ex:...like being in two places at once,etc but thats another story for esops fables(wink) Love this quote picture I once had ,on my refrigerator, of a wizard type daddy figure seated in a kingly throne,underneath a tree with little ones around him reading from an ancient book and the quote went "Once upon a time there was an incredible rat race" :-)
possibilities,alternatives,anyway? Were Ultra-Success and Money Magnet to be in 5g/6g would be almost surreal ,im shure.
All this good stuff in 5g/6g sounds beyound wild,way cool and very very effective....possibly even bending time,reshaping reality on the physical. I already have had decades,of many experiences of such for ex:...like being in two places at once,etc but thats another story for esops fables(wink) Love this quote picture I once had ,on my refrigerator, of a wizard type daddy figure seated in a kingly throne,underneath a tree with little ones around him reading from an ancient book and the quote went "Once upon a time there was an incredible rat race" :-)
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"