(02-02-2016, 11:44 AM)AriGold Wrote: Hey CatMan,
you seem to be obsessed with numbers. Have you also felt a difference between loudness of the program or a difference between masked and ultrasonic? I mean, total hours might not be everything.
I'm not obsessed with anything. I just listen for the certain amount of days in programs as directed, and push myself to listen for as many hours a day as I can. Because I'm dedicated and convinced these subs work, so I do as much as I can to push myself as much as I can to get the best results possible. And, due to the fact that a 192 day run of 8 hours/daily, is VASTLY different in performance than a 192 day run of 20 hours/daily, I measure by hours. I feel it's more accurate.
Yes, I have felt a difference in the way they hit. But, it's the same program on all 3 files, ultimately. I prefer ultrasonic mostly during the day for practicality, and masked at night when sleeping. I feel that way I get the best of both worlds, attacking the subconscious on two fronts each day, as I say. As ultrasonic apparently hits higher up near the subconscious mind. Whereas masked, due to lower subliminal audio volume, tends to hit deeper into the subconscious mind. There's more urgency with louder volume, which can be good or bad when dealing with resistance as it may power through it or risk stonewalling for some. Maskeds or ultrasonics can be good or bad, for that same reason. Also, there's the issue of whether you're using headphones for sub use, in which case, maskeds should only be used. And if you use speakers, ultrasonics may not be usable, depending on frequency response naturally.
Generally, I listen as loud as possible within the WHO's guidelines of safe use without hearing loss. Which, is 80db or less over 24 hours is deemed safe by the WHO.
So, in other words, I listen as loud as possible (safely), and often as possible (up to 21 hours/daily), each day.
And total hours are pretty much the most important thing, as long as it's balanced when doing a multi-stage obviously. The more script repetitions you get to let the sub do it's job, the better. That's pretty much expected, to be honest.
I'm pretty sure all of that is a good answer to you, AriGold!