Still nothing special to report besides that young girls are very reposnive to me but it`s quite normal those (with WM2) days. Today, I passed two cute (8/10) 17 y.o girls on a street and when they noticed that I`m not looking at them they greeted me and smiled to me. Yeah, I know it`s nothing, but for now I don`t have anything more to say besides that my level of attractiveness rises constanlty.
Like Ben, I feel that everything is on right place to succeed with women but only one part of puzzles is missing and I`m sure that SM3 wil solve this. Contrary to Ben, I`ve never had any problems with connecting with women and go to deep level of connection with them very fast (in general, women start to trust me in a couple of minutes, since I remeber), and WM2 definitely has amplified that, but the missing piece is to push things more sexual, that`s why I`ll run SM3 after my WM2`s ride and short (32-days) AM6`s refresher.
It`ll be a great experiment and great fun, I`m sure of that!